Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Clean Brass Bathroom Fixtures

    • 1). Wipe the brass fixtures with a soft cloth dampened with mild soapy water. Mild soaps to use include dish detergents or gentle hand soaps (without added lotions).

    • 2). Remove any stubborn spots or buildup from the brass fixtures with a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice. Dilute the vinegar in a small amount of water before applying it to the bathroom fixture.

    • 3). Rinse the fixtures with cool water after using vinegar or lemon to prevent damaging the fixture's lacquer. Wipe the fixture dry with a soft cloth to prevent water spots.

    • 4). Test any brass polish on an inconspicuous area of the fixture to assure the polish will not damage the lacquer. Not all fixtures require regular polishing, as the polish may damage the protective lacquer layer.

    • 5). Polish fixtures with brass polish tested in Step four, or with a polish suggested in the fixture manufacturer's cleaning instructions.

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