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Thursday, April 23, 2009

St. Luke’s

E.J. has just gotten off the phone with Stefano regarding a package. Nicole overhears and emerges with Sydney, ready to go home as Mrs. DiMera.

DiMera Mansion

E.J. carries Nicole over the threshold at home. They joke around a bit before Nicole is horrified to see a strange man standing in the doorway. She urges E.J. to call the police. E.J. assures his frantic wife that the guy’s name is Marco, and he’s there to protect them.

He gently scolds Marco for scaring Nicole half to death. E.J. apologizes for not telling her sooner. She questions why a thug is lurking around in the yard making sure they don’t get killed. She reminds him that Philip is hanging on by a thread at the hospital because someone tried to murder him, which is not how she pictured her wedding day. “I thought I could do it but now, I don’t think I can live like this,” she demurs. He assures her that he’ll never let anyone lay a finger on her or Sydney and apologizes for being harsh with her, but she needs to understand that their lives will never be simple. He professes to love her, and vice versa. She expresses concern for Sydney, wondering if she’s going to understand why they live like this. E.J. believes the only thing Sydney will know is that she has two parents who love her very much. He suggests carrying her over the threshold again. The newlyweds share a kiss after E.J. playfully spins her around.

Java Café

Stefano is impressed when the girl behind the counter fixes his latte exactly the way he likes it.

He leaves her a generous tip in her jar, then sits down at a table. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable if I were you,” cautions Bo, who thought Stefano would be at the hospital on death watch. Stefano notes Bo’s rather cold and cynical way to describe a young man fighting for his life. He affirms that he has nothing more to say to Bo unless his attorney is present. Bo tells him to shut up and listen.

Bo rehashes how Stefano has spent years inflicting pain and seeking revenge. He wonders how Stefano has any energy left for his family. “Oh that’s right. You don’t. That’s why they’re all screwed up and miserable just like you,” he sneers. Stefano reminds Bo that he just lost a son. Bo affirms that Tony was a decent man, which is why he despised everything Stefano stood for. He warns Stefano that if he’s not willing to back off for Tony’s sake and if he even looks at Philip the wrong way, he will put the last nail in his coffin. Stefano doesn’t appear the least bit daunted by Bo’s threat. Bo proceeds to leave as Stefano begins to make a phone call.

University Hospital

Daniel informs Victor, Kate, Chloe, and Stephanie that Philip had massive trauma and pulmonary hemorrhaging, which means that Philip’s blood has lost the ability to clot. Kate asks how Daniel’s going to save his life. “I don’t know if I can,” desponds Daniel.

Lucas arrives at the hospital and hugs his mom, apologizing for not getting there sooner since he had to pick Allie up and drop her off at Caroline’s. Daniel fills Lucas in about Philip. He says there is one treatment they can try, but warns that it has it’s risks. Kate refuses to allow Daniel to work on Philip unless she knows exactly what he’s doing. Victor insists to Kate that there’s no time and they have to trust him. “No! I don’t! I don’t trust him,” interjects Kate. Victor tries to reason with a distraught Kate, who apologizes for being mean-spirited. Lucas asks his mom why she doesn’t trust Daniel, reminding her that he saved her life. Daniel would like to induce hypothermia, cautioning the risk that it could make his bleeding worse, but at this point it’s the best chance. Victor and Kate agree to allow this.

After Daniel walks into Philip’s room, Victor tries to convince Kate that it’s the right thing to do. “How can it be the right thing to put our son’s life in that man’s hands?” she questions. Victor implores Kate to put her personal feelings aside for the sake of their son. A distressed Kate knows that he’s right and vows to be more loving and forgiving. She swears to live her life with dignity and an open heart if Philip survives.

A crying Stephanie looks through the window of Philip’s room. Chloe apologizes to Lucas for falling apart while Philip’s fighting for his life. Lucas says it’s okay, as he knows that Philip was Chloe’s first love. He surmises that one never really gets over the feelings for a first love, then embraces her. Daniel emerges from Philip’s room and exchanges glances with Chloe. Meanwhile, Victor is on the phone with Brady and thanks him for keeping everything under control at Titan. Victor and Kate inquire how Philip’s doing from the hypothermia. Daniel says they should know soon.

Stephanie comes into Philip’s room and asks Daniel if she can touch Philip, then suggests that maybe she shouldn’t, since the last time she was in the room his heart stopped beating. Daniel assures her that it had nothing to do with her. He believes she might be the one person who can help Philip. Steph sits beside Philip and touches him, looking at him with desperation and concern in her eyes.

Lucas tells Kate that he couldn’t get ahold of Billie, but he talked to Austin and will call him back when they know more. Victor approaches Kate and recalls how she talked about forgiveness earlier, wondering if it means what he thinks it does. “I’m going to forego my plan for Chloe. No more revenge on anyone. If Philip survives, I’m forgiving everything,” she declares. She tearfully vows to treasure her time with the people she loves.

Daniel comes out of Philip’s room and Lucas asks if there’s any change, but not yet. Lucas lets Daniel know that he believes he can save Philip.

Back in Philip’s room, Steph encourages Philip to get better, assuring him there’s a lot of people rooting for him. “Who else is gonna take me to the Cheatin’ Heart and let me beat him at pool?” she jokes. She recalls how today was the best and the worst day of her life. “Being with you, I’ve never been so happy in my life. I love you, Philip. Just come back to me please,” she cries. Daniel rushes in when his monitors begin beeping.

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