Value of Stem Cell Research
Today is an age where the value of human life is becoming disregarded more and more.
Our society's youngest members are viewed as a mere commodity for the use in research and the development of cures for various diseases.
One of the most vulnerable members of our human race is referred to as "excess" embryos or "frozen tissue" in vitro fertilization clinics.
They are only regarded as "potential" human beings.
Even pro-life members of Congress have wavered on this issue of gathering embryonic stem cells from frozen embryos that would be discarded anyway.
There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the use of the taxpayer's money to support the research of embryonic stem cells.
The Castle-De-Gette bill which was passed in the House of Representatives (2005) wanted to override the President's ban concerning federal funding for embryonic stem cell research on lines as stem cells after August of 2001.
Many have the opinion that these embryos are only potential human beings and that they should be used to find ways to cure disease.
Republican Majority Leader Tom De Lay stated that this bill would use funding by the taxpayers for the dismemberment of distinct, living human beings.
This is, in fact, a very good analysis of the process of what we now call embryonic stem cell research.
The frozen embryos we speak of are first and foremost human life.
On the same day that Congress passed a bill that was going to aim at using the money from taxpayer's to fund the destruction of embryos that had been frozen from in vitro fertilization clinics, President Bush was welcoming into the White House families who had adopted these so called excess embryos.
In 1997 Nightlight's Snowflakes Frozen Embryo Adoption started its program.
It was able to match 230 genetic families with approximately 145 adopting families.
To date, 81 babies have been born and more are expected.
This shows that these "excess" frozen embryos are the smallest people in our society today, and they should be respected just as any other member of society is respected.
President Bush's stance has always been that embryonic stem cell research does, in fact, destroy human life.
He said, that, while he had increased the funding for research regarding adult stem cells, he believed that the Castle-de-Gette bill would create new ways to destroy human life.
Of course, proponents of embryonic stem research would argue that the potential human life embryos are majorly contributing to society in that the focus is being made to cure diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and heart disease.
However, each and every human life is a most precious gift of matchless value.
Our society's youngest members are viewed as a mere commodity for the use in research and the development of cures for various diseases.
One of the most vulnerable members of our human race is referred to as "excess" embryos or "frozen tissue" in vitro fertilization clinics.
They are only regarded as "potential" human beings.
Even pro-life members of Congress have wavered on this issue of gathering embryonic stem cells from frozen embryos that would be discarded anyway.
There has been a great deal of controversy surrounding the use of the taxpayer's money to support the research of embryonic stem cells.
The Castle-De-Gette bill which was passed in the House of Representatives (2005) wanted to override the President's ban concerning federal funding for embryonic stem cell research on lines as stem cells after August of 2001.
Many have the opinion that these embryos are only potential human beings and that they should be used to find ways to cure disease.
Republican Majority Leader Tom De Lay stated that this bill would use funding by the taxpayers for the dismemberment of distinct, living human beings.
This is, in fact, a very good analysis of the process of what we now call embryonic stem cell research.
The frozen embryos we speak of are first and foremost human life.
On the same day that Congress passed a bill that was going to aim at using the money from taxpayer's to fund the destruction of embryos that had been frozen from in vitro fertilization clinics, President Bush was welcoming into the White House families who had adopted these so called excess embryos.
In 1997 Nightlight's Snowflakes Frozen Embryo Adoption started its program.
It was able to match 230 genetic families with approximately 145 adopting families.
To date, 81 babies have been born and more are expected.
This shows that these "excess" frozen embryos are the smallest people in our society today, and they should be respected just as any other member of society is respected.
President Bush's stance has always been that embryonic stem cell research does, in fact, destroy human life.
He said, that, while he had increased the funding for research regarding adult stem cells, he believed that the Castle-de-Gette bill would create new ways to destroy human life.
Of course, proponents of embryonic stem research would argue that the potential human life embryos are majorly contributing to society in that the focus is being made to cure diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes, and heart disease.
However, each and every human life is a most precious gift of matchless value.