Home & Garden Architecture

Backsplash Techniques

    Mosiac Tile Backsplash

    Formica Backsplash

    • A variety of different ways are available to decorate your current backsplash.basin sink image by Liz Van Steenburgh from Fotolia.com

      For those who want to spend a little more money and cover the area in one large piece, Formica is the way to go. If the wall is older and possibly has flaws or cracks in it, covering it with one solid section may be easier to help cover the imperfections. After taking the proper measurements, simply take them to any home improvement center and pick out the design and color of Formica you like. Sometimes these stores will have extra sections in the back that they will sell for a much cheaper price. Also, if the exact areas are marked that need to be cut out, the workers at the home improvement center will assist you with that. They will also assist you in the proper materials needed to attach the Formica to the wall to create an attractive back splash.

    Faux Finishes for a Backsplash

    • A backsplash can certainly add personality to a kitchen or bath.modern faucet with green patterned wallpaper image by nextrecord from Fotolia.com

      Painting a faux finish on the wall behind the sink can create an unusual backsplash. Many home improvement stores offer special kits or even just the paint and patterns separately. This style can be chosen to create the look of brick, tile, stone, wood or even a mosaic tile look. The technique is accomplished with just paint, a pattern and a specific technique book, depending on the look you're trying to achieve. Once your design is complete, the backsplash should look as though you spent a lot of money constructing this style onto the wall. This particular paint comes with a water-resistant gloss to help protect against water and stains.

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