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Nutrisytem Breakfast - A Review Of Taste And Variety Of The Included Foods

If you're evaluating the Nutrisystem diet, chances are you'll want to know what a typical day of meals taste like.
In my mind, breakfast is the most important of all the meals.
That's because in the world of low carbs, it's really hard to find decent breakfast offerings that don't consist mostly or solely of eggs.
I love cereal and pancakes, but most diets do not offer these.
I was surprised that Nutrisystem offers many carb like foods.
I was also surprised that most are actually pretty good.
Here is a list of the breakfast choices with my take on how they taste: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal: I find this tastes a lot like (and has the texture of) Quaker brand oatmeal.
Not bad at all.
Apple Granola Bar: This is actually very good and one of my favorites, but it's among the least filling of the breakfast foods.
I prefer to eat it as a snack or dessert.
Apple Strudel Scone: Also very good.
Can be a bit dry so don't forget your beverage.
Blueberry Flavored Pancake Mix: This is probably my favorite option as it is very tasty and is quite filling.
Blueberry Muffin: When I read this product was whole bran, I was skeptical about the taste, but I was pleasantly surprised.
I pair this with yogurt as it as not as filling as the pancakes.
Chocolate Chip Granola Bar: I find this one a bit too sweet, but most of my friends count this as a favorite.
Cranberry Granola Bar: If you like cranberries, you will probably like this one.
I don't, so I trade this one with a friend.
Cranberry Orange Pastry: Again, I'm unfortunately not a fan of cranberries.
Low fat Granola Cereal: I love granola, so I am partial to this.
Some folks add vanilla soy milk to sweeten it.
This one is a smaller portion size, but the granola makes it filling.
It's also really good as a topping for yogurt.
Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal: This tastes a lot like Quaker as well.
It is pretty sweet, but if you like brown sugar in general, you will like this.
NutriCinnamon Squares Cereal: This cereal is pretty crunchy and it reminds me a lot of Quaker's Oatmeal Cinnamon Squares cereal.
NutriFlakes Cereal - 40% Bran Flakes: I would compare this to Raisin Bran without raisins or to Total, but I believe fruit is needed with this one or it tastes a little bland.
With berries or bananas, it's totally fine.
NutriFrosted Crunch Cereal: When I read these were made with whole grain oat flour, I was afraid of them.
Much to my surprise, they taste a lot like Frosted Flakes.
This is hands down my favorite Nutrisystem cereal.
I eat this a lot as a snack.
Pancake Mix: Also good, but I prefer the blueberry because it is sweeter.
Peanut Butter Granola Bar: I love anything made with peanut butter, so this is among my favorites.
It is quite filling as well.
Scrambled Eggs: I was dreading these because I am not a fan of eggs in general.
In particular, I hate powdered eggs and will not eat them.
These don't taste like awful cafeteria eggs, but I always top them with skim mozzarella cheese.
Then, they are quite decent.
Scrambled Eggs With Cheddar Cheese: I am not a fan of cheddar cheese, but if you like it, you'll probably like these eggs.
As mentioned above, I prefer to add my own cheese.
Scrambled Eggs With Veggie Sausage Crumble: Admit it, the thought of veggie sausage is scary, right? Honestly, it tastes a lot like pork sausage.
I wanted nothing to do with this until I tasted it.
It is very filling and I like to roll it in a fat free tortilla for a dashboard breakfast if I am running late.
As you can see, there are quite a few acceptable breakfast options in this diet.
I was pleasantly surprised and I'm extremely picky.

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