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How to Get a Man to Say I Love You - Here Are the Steps Which Will Make Him Say I Love You Fast

Wouldn't it be great if all women in the world are able to make a man reciprocate by saying "I love you, too"? Unfortunately, men have to reach a certain level of being connected with you before he can respond honestly to your affections.
It's only when a man realizes that you're the ideal woman will he truly commit.
But if you can't wait for him to say the 3-word sentence, then you might be able to coax him into doing so by following these tips: Make Him Your Ultimate Protector Men love to think that they're needed and that they're very much able to protect you from any harm.
It's his instinct to shelter you from any harm as this makes him feel manlier.
This doesn't mean that you should start acting helpless, though-just bring out the natural hero in him by letting him take care of you when he volunteers to do so.
His Opinion Should Matter Nothing deflates a man's ego more than making him realize that his views don't count.
Ask his opinion even in the smallest matters such as where to buy bread and what color of wallpaper you should put on the bedroom.
You will be surprised on how much more he can love you once you respect his ideas.
Take Good Care of Him Love begets love and if your man feels that you truly care for him, then he's bound to give back what you're asking for.
You can take care of him by cooking some nice meals, giving him occasional massages, listening to him, and by simply being there for him when he needs you most.
Be Loyal to Him If you want to be loved in return, then be faithful to your man.
Make him feel that there's no one else in the world for you.
Kiss him whenever you could, make him feel special, and be his best buddy.
Any woman, who can be all this to a man, is surely a winner in his heart.
Adjust Your Attitude Attitudes often become the catalysts to the downfall of most relationships.
Do realize that arguments and problems in relationships do occur because you have faults, too.
Know your weaknesses and try to get rid of them before it's too late.
Lower His Guard with Your Sense of Humor and Modesty You can always take the stress off any relationship once you learn to be down-to-earth and have a good sense of humor.
They especially love tasteful teasing and private jokes.
Use your delicate strengths to bring him to say that he loves you, too.
Be a Hottie Men love to show off their trophies-whether on sports events that they've won or the women that they date.
Of course, your guy would want to be proud of you in front of his friends and relatives so make him love you by being the best girl that he's ever taken home.

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