Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Stop Smoking And Let Go Of Those Cravings

Are you or someone you care for looking to stop smoking? Do you find that you have had a few failed attempts? Maybe you have listened to advice from others who have quit successfully or read and spent time preparing for the right mind-set for that quit.
All this helps you with an arsenal of information against cigarettes.
You may have heard a friend say they were really craving a cigarettebut will not smoke.
This is a difficult concept for many to grasp.
Surely the craving is a need to smoke? How can you ignore a craving? Maybe you have tried to ignore cravings in the past, it was really hard, and then one day, you just gave in.
Or maybe temptation just came out of the blue.
There are many ways of tackling this challenge.
You can for example, become stubborn and hold strong against cravings, or you can rebel against the cigarettes, or you can release the emotions behind the cravings.
There is a mind-set of embracing each crave and accepting it, observing it and just riding the wave.
This is facilitated in Emotional Freedom Techniques, by first accepting psychologically that you have a craving, and then using special quick-releasing acupressure to let go of it.
And Whatever tactic you use, you can be comforted by the fact that it gets easier as you go along.
You may have also heard that you can take one day, one hour, or one moment at a time.
This avoids the hope that you can leave quitting till tomorrow, for example, because you are not considering tomorrow, you are living in the now - this moment is all that matters.
Doing Emotional Freedom Techniques, meditation, or reading The Power of Now are a great help for building the one moment at a time mind-set.
Really, understanding stop smoking psychology leads to amazing insights.
For example, you may well ask why when there is no nicotine left in the body that people still crave so badly.
You may well ask if smoking is just a habit.
The habit is to use the nicotine as a de-stressor, for example, as a mechanism for feeling full after a meal, as a way to enjoy a social occasion with confidence, as a way to drink alcohol or caffeine without feeling overwhelmed.
The trick is to find another mechanism to de-stress and to cope with all the usual smoking triggers, and then there is no need to smoke.
This is why meditation, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Reiki, prayer, and support have been cited as useful; these methods help you release what the cigarettes used to release for you (or those you care for).
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT for short) is a very quick and easy way to get rid of smoking cravings and have an easier quit.
It involves a mixture of clever wording and easy acupressure to help you move forward with ease.
You can download a free EFT guide from many online resources.
Or you can get stuck right in and see an experienced practitioner or attend a local workshop.

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