Home & Garden Architecture

How to Remove Wall Hooks

    • 1). Unscrew the hook from the wall. Do this carefully with a screwdriver. You want to prevent causing any damage to the wall. If the hook you are removing was a self-adhesive hook, you'll want to slide a paint scraper under the hook and twist the scraper to separate the hook from the wall. Self-adhesives hooks tend to cause more damage than screwed in hooks.

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      Smear wall spackle over the hole with the spackle knife. Use the flat edge of the sparkling knife to scrap away any excess spackle. Go over the spot again with the spackle and scrap it away again just like you did the first time.

    • 3). Allow plenty of time for the Spackle to dry. If the hole you filled was deep, you should let the Spackle sit over night to dry. This way you'll know for sure if it is going to settle into the hole at all. If the hole is shallow, than a couple hours should be more than enough time.

    • 4). Use sandpaper to get rid of any clumps or rough edges. You'll just need to lightly rub the sand paper over the dried Spackle a few times. The spot should be smooth to the touch.

    • 5). Paint over the area with primer. Give the primer at least four hours to dry, but still check it before moving to the next step.

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      Paint over the area with the same color paint the wall is painted. If it has been along time since the wall was painted, you'll want to get a paint chip off the wall and have it matched at a paint store.

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