Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Dale"s Quit Smoking Story

Updated June 08, 2015.

We motored out of the harbor at about 5:30 that evening, 6 Scouts, 2 of us leaders and the captain. We went out about 30 miles, set anchor for the evening and had our evening meal. There wasn?t a smoke shop in sight?but I wasn?t smoking.

The next morning is extremely rough. Captain Ron says he's going to put me overboard. The young Scouts assure me everything is going to be ok. Within the hour we are at full sail.

Wow, what an experience. We?re doing about 12 knots and watching the porpoises swim next to us. Hey, I enjoyed this without a cigarette?

After exploring 2-3 coral reefs, I saw thousands and thousands of fish, big and small. Mind you, I have to wear a life jacket, so I?m just floating on top of the water. Those young Scouts are just like the fish?everywhere. Oh my Scout just brought me a Marlboro box and a beer can they found. You know, I looked inside of the box?

It's 11:00 am on the 27th. We are pulling into the harbor at Key West. This has really been some trip and we are all ready to take our first shower in 4 days with fresh, not salt water. After lunch we all re-group and head out to see all the area has to offer. We all are sworn to the buddy system for safety.

Wouldn?t you know, a Cheeseburger in Paradise, and there is a smoke shop. WHAT! $5.25 a pack?these people are crazy. For the next hour I sat and stared at that machine while at least 8 people ventured up to make a purchase.

My Scouts were vigilant to their task. I didn?t smoke.

They have a tradition in Key West, at Mallory Square. It's the Sunset Celebration. It takes place at 8:00 each night and there are lots of street vendors, including cigarette vendors. I had Scouts to the right of me, I had Scouts to the left of me. There was no way to even get a good glimpse. What was becoming of me?

I was slowly becoming a non-smoker. It has now become a quest. I can beat this thing. I found a business card at a open air vendors booth and started a log of how long I had not had a cigarette. Every time I hade the urge, I take out the card and see the numbers.

We had a marvelous trip back to the Sea Base and on our last night, everyone told stories of their trip. I told them of mine. It had now been 9 days?something to be proud of. I was!

This trip with my son and the Scouts, and the fact that I quit smoking is the biggest feat of my life and I've been here for a while.

Today is April 17, 2006. I found this forum on March 3rd and have tried very hard to become a part of the forumily. I am still true to my Quit.

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