How to Make Up With Your Ex - When to Tell Your Ex I Love You
Saying you love someone is a very difficult thing to do.
It has a lot of meaning and emotion attached to it, and must have the right timing to come out in the right way, and produce the right results.
If you are planning on saying "I Love You" then here is what you should do.
Take Time To Renew Your Emotions...
When emotions start to take control, this can throw everything else off.
We get caught up in negative feelings of blame, frustration, etc.
This forces us to be irrational and make poor decisions and take wrongful actions.
Make sure you clear your mind and get rid of any emotional hurts.
Spend Time Being Friends...
Now that your emotions have washed over.
Rediscover the great qualities of your ex by spending the time as friends.
Consider this almost as a process of relearning, and even discovering new things about your ex you never knew about before.
Re-Establish A Feeling Of Trust...
Now that you have spent some time together, you will have re-developed some trust.
Trust is the foundation for a solid and unbreakable relationship and it needs to flourish in order for your relationship to succeed remarkably well.
The Beginning Of Unimportant Calls...
It will start to be obvious that things are heading somewhere, when your ex finds excuses just to talk to you.
The calls won't really be important, and this is a definite sign they getting more interested.
Jealousy From Your Ex...
You will find your ex almost starts to feel mad when you are giving attention to someone else.
The signs might not clear, but you will be able to sense some tension in your ex.
This Is Where Things Get Interesting...
At this point your ex becomes more interested with you.
They will start taking action steps to show their interest like asking questions regarding your activities.
The Time Has Come...
You have approached the point where your ex is ready for the next step.
They have shown serious interest and have taken steps to show it.
It's time to drop the one liner "I Love You".
It has a lot of meaning and emotion attached to it, and must have the right timing to come out in the right way, and produce the right results.
If you are planning on saying "I Love You" then here is what you should do.
Take Time To Renew Your Emotions...
When emotions start to take control, this can throw everything else off.
We get caught up in negative feelings of blame, frustration, etc.
This forces us to be irrational and make poor decisions and take wrongful actions.
Make sure you clear your mind and get rid of any emotional hurts.
Spend Time Being Friends...
Now that your emotions have washed over.
Rediscover the great qualities of your ex by spending the time as friends.
Consider this almost as a process of relearning, and even discovering new things about your ex you never knew about before.
Re-Establish A Feeling Of Trust...
Now that you have spent some time together, you will have re-developed some trust.
Trust is the foundation for a solid and unbreakable relationship and it needs to flourish in order for your relationship to succeed remarkably well.
The Beginning Of Unimportant Calls...
It will start to be obvious that things are heading somewhere, when your ex finds excuses just to talk to you.
The calls won't really be important, and this is a definite sign they getting more interested.
Jealousy From Your Ex...
You will find your ex almost starts to feel mad when you are giving attention to someone else.
The signs might not clear, but you will be able to sense some tension in your ex.
This Is Where Things Get Interesting...
At this point your ex becomes more interested with you.
They will start taking action steps to show their interest like asking questions regarding your activities.
The Time Has Come...
You have approached the point where your ex is ready for the next step.
They have shown serious interest and have taken steps to show it.
It's time to drop the one liner "I Love You".