Business & Finance Blogging

What is Blogging - Clearing the Confusion on Blogging

Blogging has become so popular not only to teenagers but also to adults as well.
Writers also love having blog sites because they do not have to get their works published by editors.
Writers can freely publish whatever is on their minds, except for obscenity and other offensive remarks, and they can do it any time of the day, but what is blogging? To really understand what is blogging, it is always best to begin with the etymology of the word.
Blog is a contraction of a word: weblog.
A blog site is also a website that has several web pages.
A blog is maintained by a single person (or perhaps several if it is a group blog) for the purpose of publishing literature, personal thoughts, commentaries, photos, videos, and music.
Blogs do not end in personal use or as online journals only.
Blogs are also used by companies as a means of reaching out to their employees.
Other than this, blog sites are also used for other media services and can also be as extensive as to allow visitors to leave their comments on the entries.
Blogging is an effective way of promoting social networking not only in local areas but internationally as well.
If one would ask, "What is blogging," the recipient of the question may also go to discuss the different types of blogs that are available online.
Essentially, the types of blogs depend on the purpose, not the design or interface.
The first type of blog is called the personal blog.
These blogs contain random thoughts of individuals just about the same way diaries do.
Sometimes the entries are just one-phrase sentences.
These are mostly popular to writers and individuals who have a network of friends and this is where they express what they cannot in the normal world.
Many personal bloggers also hide in pseudonyms.
The other type of blog is called a corporate blog.
This corporate blog can either be set in private or public mode.
This type of blog often exists because corporate leaders would like to enhance the communication between the employees and they also want to develop good public relations to their clients.
Corporate blogs are normally about advertisements, announcements, future developments, career enhancements, and company issues.
Company blogs are often limited to comments because no one can take the risk of having a disgruntled employee publishing his thoughts in this manner.

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