The Best Gluten-Free Pastas
- Corn pastas generally are the closest to standard semolina pasta in terms of taste and texture. Corn spaghetti gets its warm, yellow color from organic corn flour from Northern Italy. Al dente in texture with a mild corn flavor, this pasta type is enjoyable with seafood like clams, shrimp and lobster. A couple to try include Riso Bello Spaghetti al Riso and Rustichella d'Abruzzo Organic Corn Spaghetti.
- Pastas that blend organic corn and quinoa flours are also good to try. Their hearty texture goes well with meat sauces. Also, the quinoa adds to its nutritional value because it contains all nine essential amino acids, providing you with ample protein. Try Ancient Harvest Supergrain Quinoa Pasta.
- Tinkyada pasta, which is made from rice and rice bran, is a popular brand of gluten-free pasta and meets many of the needs of allergen-free consumers because doesn't contain corn, soy, dairy, wheat or gluten.
Soy-based pastas are generally regarded as a poor stand-in for semolina pastas because they're not standard grain substitutes. The texture and taste doesn't compare at all. - Many people who eliminate gluten from their diets say they felt more lucid and leaner afterward. While no official results from human trials are currently available, Natural Standard has reported that a gluten-free diet may aid people suffering from multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune disorders.