Family & Relationships Family & Relationships

The Trust Factor: How Can Faith and Reliance Lead to Abundant Living and True Wealth? Part 3

Trust is a precious coined treasure that includes the side of FAITH and the side of RELIANCE.
As you discovered in Part 2, Faith in Humanity and Reliance on Honest Character are 2 crucial aspects needed to experience true wealth and an abundant, joy-filled life.
From a human perspective, faith in some one's ability to develop a healthy relationship and relying on their integrity of character, this world will be a better place to live because you have chosen to do your part.
In this article, you will discover True Wealth from a divine perspective.
Because I am a Christian, from a biblical point of view and not from stereotypical opinion, I have chosen to detail WHY having a divine perspective to Faith and Reliance is key to developing the ultimate Trust...
my trust in God.
Trusting Wholeheartedly Deuteronomy 6:5 commands that I must love my Lord and God with all my heart, all my soul, and all my strength.
To me, this means to love and trust him wholeheartedly with every fiber of my being.
When I do this, God can accomplish in and through me anything that will advance his plan and will for my life.
Faith and Dependence First, in my pursuit to develop a trusting relationship with God, his strength in me is proportional to how much I depend on him.
Faith in him and his ways are more crucial to my success than mere faith in humanity.
My experiences have taught me that, where humanity has and will fail me, I truly believe that God never will fail me! My degree of dependence on God is how I trust him in a major crisis or decision I have to make.
I fail miserably at times with this.
However, at other times, I have unwavering faith in his truths and promises, being independent of HOW I currently feel.
Not only is my faith strong and unwavering, I realize my faith has to remain consistent.
Relying on God's Favor Second, in my pursuit to develop a trusting relationship with God, which in effect helps me to learn how to trust my neighbor, I realize that God loves me because of my faith in his Son, Jesus Christ.
His favor rests on me because of Christ's righteousness and not of my own doing.
People who rely on God in the midst of trials and adversity may often forget about him and his care because life is going smoother than usual.
Personally, it is easy for me to become more self-sufficient or self-reliant and prideful when life seems like "smooth-sailing" and the "seas of life" are not as rough.
It is also my experience that, when I find myself in the midst of adversity and hardships, I am "shocked" or "jolted" to realize my need to rely on God.
Why is it that we tend to rely more on God in "testy" circumstances, yet, we do not rely on him as much when life seems to be going good? In conclusion, God cares as much about our tiny "trust-steps" through our daily lives as he does a dramatic leaps of faith.
Although we may think people don't notice our faith and reliance, got always sees and rejoices when we have Faith in Him and Rely on His Character.
We can have Faith in Him and Rely on His Character because His Character is grounded in truth, love, joy, peace, justice and compassion.
This consistent Faith and Reliance on God builds a divine Trust that influences and transforms our lives to experience True Wealth.
The Ultimate Trust Factor is this--in my humble opinion--when you begin to trust in God for your strength and guidance, you WILL begin to trust humanity more.
This kind of trust is vital to gaining an abundant, joy-filled life! In the scope of Success and the Truth Coin, having Faith in God and Relying on His Character is where I find my greatest strength, confident assurance, and reward.
May it become true for you as well! "35Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord, no matter what happens.
Remember the great reward it brings you! 36Patient endurance is what you need now, so you will continue to do God's will.
Then you will receive all that he has promised.
" Hebrews 10:35-36 (N LT)

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