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How to Landscape Walkways & Paths

    • 1). Plan out where you want the walkways and paths to be. These might be places you already naturally use, or you might be creating new paths, such as between your home and garden. To landscape, you want the width to be at least 4 feet from side to side.

    • 2). Make the main walkway or path on your property at least 3 feet wide so that one person can comfortably walk on it, and so that lawn mowers, wheelbarrows and other garden items can fit. This makes the main walkway more functional and enhances the landscaping. Other smaller paths can be more narrow, starting around 18 inches wide.

    • 3). Choose stones or tiles to create your walkways. Adding stepping stones can enhance both the appearance and functionality of the landscaping. Vary the sizes for a more natural feeling.

    • 4). Create simple paths by using gravel. Small pieces of gravel can be used to make the path both more interesting looking and functional for you and your guests.

    • 5). Add small benches or sitting areas around the walkways and paths or at the ends of them to make the landscape look more inviting.

    • 6). Line your walkways and paths with plants that can survive getting stepped on every now and then. Examples of these types of plants include ornamental thyme (Thymus praecox 'Elfin'), scabwort (Raoulia australis) and county park (Pratia pedunculata).

    • 7). Match your plants with the amount of sun and shade they will receive in the spot along the walkway or path. Check with your local nursery before you purchase anything, since plants like the creepy Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia) can survive in a heavily shaded area, while plants like Irish moss (Sagina subulata) need a lot of sun.

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