Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

How To Cure Nail Fungus With An Onychomycosis Cure

The cure for onychomycosis has been troublesome for many people. Onychomycosis, usually known as nail fungus, is a problematic type of fungus infection that is very hard to treat. Nail fungus is more of a cosmetic problem that normally affects the toenail. Different species of fungus can cause a nail fungal infection. Irrespective of the type of species, all types of fungal infections produced distorted, thick and discolored nails.

Nevertheless, you should be able to eradicate nail fungus infection with the right kind of onychomycosis cure. Nail fungus requires a few weeks to clear completely, so you need to preserve a little.

If you are searching for an effective onychomycosis cure, read below.

Let's understand the several types of Onychomycosis Cure

Earlier, very few and ineffective treatment options were available for onychomycosis cure. But, today one can opt from a variety of treatment options available to cure onychomycosis. It is essential to seek medical advice to check the presence of nail fungus infection. Once your doctor indicate that you are having a nail fungus infection, you may prefer a prescribed treatment or a natural remedy.

Two main categories of Onychomycois cure: Oral and Topical treaments In more acute cases, a combination of oral and topical drugs are prescribed since this leads to a more rapid eradication of the onychomycosis.

Prescription Drugs

It is suggested to take prescription treatment for at least 3 to 5 months. However, mostly all antifungal treatments used for nail fungus have the potential to harm the liver. Moreover, if the patient had any history of liver diseases, oral medications for curing onychomycosis should not be used. Even without having any previous liver diseases, it is necessary to get the liver checked at regular intervals.

Common side-effects associated with prescription drugs include:

- nausea or sickness

- vomiting

- flatulence

- abdominal cramps

- diarrhea

- burping

- Loss of appetite

Can you see why there is now a trend to more natural alternatives?

Topical Medications

Now, you may have reasons to think beyond oral prescription medications.

Stop worrying...topical treatments are safe and natural alternative for the eradication of nail fungus.

Nail fungus can be treated by using a topical medication that includes a nail polish containing ciclopirox. The nail polish is regularly applied for a year on the affected nail and the neighboring skin tissues. The drawback of this nail polish includes the lengthy dosing period, and its ineffectiveness to cure nail fungus that has even infected the white portion of the nail, called lunula. Though safe and quite inexpensive, this topical medication is rarely effective.

If you want to know about natural treatments to cure onchomycosis you may read below.


Onychomycosis can be cured by surgery that involves removal of some portion, or all of the nail. This treatment is used very rarely, and your doctor may prescribe it in more severe cases of nail infections.

It is not known for sure whether this treatment for curing nail infection really works. There has been very few instances that can indicate the use of surgery in the permanent eradication of nail fungus.

Natural Treatments

One of the proven and natural treatment to cure onychomycosis is Tea Tree oil. The antifungal and antibacterial properties of tea tree oil are effective enough to cure any kind of onychomycosis.

If you want to select a natural product for onychomycosis cure, always pick the one that contains tea tree oil as a main ingredient. Apart from being highly effective and low-cost, tea tree oil does not cause any side-effects.

Tea tree oil is one of natures' wonder oils. Very few companies have recognized the significance of this nature's gift and bottled it especially to cure onychomycosis. Tea tree oil is very simple and easy to apply that effectively cure onychomycosis.

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