Throat Phlegm Remedy - Cures For Throat Phlegm, Pain, Infection & Irritation
Throat phlegm refers to the inflammation and irritation caused due to sore throat.
It also causes severe pain and other symptoms.
These include fever, nausea, headache, problem in breathing & swallowing, blood in the saliva, etc.
There are innumerable causes of this condition.
Some of them are sinus, measles, sudden change of weather or water, allergy, over smoking, sharing water with or kissing a person who has sore throat, etc.
How ever, there are various simple & easy home remedies that would help you cure this issue.
Some of these are given below: * Home remedies for throat phlegm * Gargle with warm water and salt at least 4 to 5 times a day.
* Make use of garlic, cloves, black pepper and cayenne pepper in the food as spices, in place of the chilly & other hot spices.
* Avoid having over hot or too cold water & food.
Everything you take must be at a mild temperature.
* As far as possible avoid, solid foods.
In stead, you may have vegetable smoothies and soups.
* Avoid having too oily foods.
That would form more mucus and hence enhance the problem.
* Rinse your mouth after every meal.
* Do not take too much physical stress.
Taking rest and sleeping well helps in this problem.
* In case your voice has started becoming hoarse try to speak less.
Especially, make sure that you do not speak in a louder volume.
* Have a drink comprising of warm water, honey, lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper powder.
You may have half a cup of this decoction it every two hours.
* Throat phlegm can also be cured if you gargle with a blend of fenugreek concentrate & lime juice.
* You may choose to take some vinegar decoctions.
They really help in getting rid of the sore throat.
It also causes severe pain and other symptoms.
These include fever, nausea, headache, problem in breathing & swallowing, blood in the saliva, etc.
There are innumerable causes of this condition.
Some of them are sinus, measles, sudden change of weather or water, allergy, over smoking, sharing water with or kissing a person who has sore throat, etc.
How ever, there are various simple & easy home remedies that would help you cure this issue.
Some of these are given below: * Home remedies for throat phlegm * Gargle with warm water and salt at least 4 to 5 times a day.
* Make use of garlic, cloves, black pepper and cayenne pepper in the food as spices, in place of the chilly & other hot spices.
* Avoid having over hot or too cold water & food.
Everything you take must be at a mild temperature.
* As far as possible avoid, solid foods.
In stead, you may have vegetable smoothies and soups.
* Avoid having too oily foods.
That would form more mucus and hence enhance the problem.
* Rinse your mouth after every meal.
* Do not take too much physical stress.
Taking rest and sleeping well helps in this problem.
* In case your voice has started becoming hoarse try to speak less.
Especially, make sure that you do not speak in a louder volume.
* Have a drink comprising of warm water, honey, lemon juice and a pinch of black pepper powder.
You may have half a cup of this decoction it every two hours.
* Throat phlegm can also be cured if you gargle with a blend of fenugreek concentrate & lime juice.
* You may choose to take some vinegar decoctions.
They really help in getting rid of the sore throat.