Health & Medical Mental Health

The Possible Genetic Factors Related to Alzheimer"s Disease

While much research has been done to determine the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease, there are still no definitive answers.
However, researchers have linked certain genes found on four particular chromosomes which they strongly believe to be a contributing factor to this disease.
Genetic researchers are focusing on these mutated genes which are hereditary generally affecting the child who inherits the same form of this gene from one of their parents.
While these findings are bringing researchers closer to determining the cause of this disease, there is still no cure for Alzheimer's and the exact cause is still unknown.
Genetics and Late-onset Alzheimer's In approximately ninety percent of Alzheimer's cases individuals are typically diagnosed with the disease after the age of sixty five and after the age of eighty five almost half of all individuals will be diagnosed with this disease.
This is referred to as late-onset Alzheimer's which is the most common type of Alzheimer's and researchers have linked the gene "APOE" found on chromosome 19 to this disease however, researchers have determined that this gene may only increase the risk of getting Alzheimer's as some individuals carrying the particular form of this gene-"APOE4"-which is associated with the disease never develop it.
Genetics and FAD or Familial Alzheimer's Disease Familial Alzheimer's disease is the inherited form of Alzheimer's which develops earlier than late-onset Alzheimer's and is commonly diagnosed in people who are in their mid forties.
This form of Alzheimer's is definitively inherited however; it is extremely rare occurring in less than one percent of Alzheimer's patients.
What researchers have discovered in the families of these cases is that on chromosome 21 one of the genes has an abnormality which is present among some of the family members as well as related genes found on chromosomes one and fourteen.
Chromosome 21 is also linked to Down syndrome which is especially interesting since a very high percentage of these individuals are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at very early age.

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