Jimmy Saville and Operation Yewtree
The crimes of Jimmy Saville are heinous in the extreme; there is little doubt that, behind the celebrity face, he left a trail of pain and hurt. Hundreds of people have come forward and said he how he abused them and robbed them of their innocence and childhood.
Operation Yewtree, the police investigation that followed the first claims of abuse has unearthed many dark secrets and led to arrest and, in some cases, convictions of ‘respected' men.
This is one positive effect of Saville's legacy another is that it has given victims of abuse from all over the country and all walks of life the courage to come forward and point the finger at their abusers many of who believed that time and fear of not being believed had given the freedom to live their life without punishment or regret for their actions.
Seeing that once respected members of the establishment were immune from prosecution has given courage and hope to many more victims who can now come forward, safe in the knowledge that they will be listened to and the police will take appropriate steps.
The victims of rape and sexual assault as well as seeing justice be done can also seek compensation, either by way of claims to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or, if possible, against the perpetrator themselves.
The result of the publicy surrounding Operation Yewtree has been a huge increase in the number of victims of historic abuse coming forward and claiming the awards to which they are entitled. The money won't take away the pain but it can help survivors rebuild their lives and get some measure of closure.
Those eligible to claim may have been abused by a family member or a member of a religious order, a school teacher or another position of authority within the community. The survivor of the abuse now has the support network to come forward and see that justice is finally carried out.
There is no need to suffer in silence; the attitude of the police has changed over the years, trained officers will help you to give evidence and treat you with the understanding and confidentiality that you deserve.
There is no need to pretend that it didn't happen or that it was your fault; it did happen and it was not your fault. It was never your fault.
If you have been the victim of historic abuse report it to your local police station now.
Operation Yewtree, the police investigation that followed the first claims of abuse has unearthed many dark secrets and led to arrest and, in some cases, convictions of ‘respected' men.
This is one positive effect of Saville's legacy another is that it has given victims of abuse from all over the country and all walks of life the courage to come forward and point the finger at their abusers many of who believed that time and fear of not being believed had given the freedom to live their life without punishment or regret for their actions.
Seeing that once respected members of the establishment were immune from prosecution has given courage and hope to many more victims who can now come forward, safe in the knowledge that they will be listened to and the police will take appropriate steps.
The victims of rape and sexual assault as well as seeing justice be done can also seek compensation, either by way of claims to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority or, if possible, against the perpetrator themselves.
The result of the publicy surrounding Operation Yewtree has been a huge increase in the number of victims of historic abuse coming forward and claiming the awards to which they are entitled. The money won't take away the pain but it can help survivors rebuild their lives and get some measure of closure.
Those eligible to claim may have been abused by a family member or a member of a religious order, a school teacher or another position of authority within the community. The survivor of the abuse now has the support network to come forward and see that justice is finally carried out.
There is no need to suffer in silence; the attitude of the police has changed over the years, trained officers will help you to give evidence and treat you with the understanding and confidentiality that you deserve.
There is no need to pretend that it didn't happen or that it was your fault; it did happen and it was not your fault. It was never your fault.
If you have been the victim of historic abuse report it to your local police station now.