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Sciatic Pain Resulting From A Slip And Fall Accident

There are many people who slip and fall and feel perfectly fine upon getting up. They make the mistake of believing that there is really nothing hurt but their pride. Several days or weeks after this event, however, many of these same individuals can experience a range of symptoms resulting from the compression of the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica, which is typically described as being the symptom of a larger problem can be downright excruciating. It can also limit a person's range of motion and make it extraordinarily difficult to conduct a number of routine and necessary activities. It causes waves of pain to move through the buttocks, hips and leg and can stop people in their tracks.

There can also be tingling and numbness in the lower extremities. Sciatic pain is most commonly caused by herniated discs as the result of a jarring impact or other traumatic events. When you slip and fall, you can move your vertebrae out of their normal positions, causing excess tension and stress on many major muscle groups and placing an extreme amount of pressure on the sciatic nerve.

There are also many developments of sciatica that cannot be readily apparent to either the sufferer or his or her medical team. When the sciatic nerve is compressed, it may not be able to transmit many of its important message to the brain. This can cause moodiness, fatigue and chemical imbalances until the pressure is alleviated and the affected vertebrae are repositioned. This issue can self correct or may require manual spinal adjustments among other forms of therapy.

It is usually best to consult with a chiropractor after having been seen by your regular physician. Your normal doctor may prescribe medications to alleviate some of the nerve pain. A chiropractic professional, however, will work to facilitate faster healing through spinal adjustments, massage therapies and even the use of inversion tables. The general goal of this treatment is to take pressure off of the sciatic nerve, rather than to merely dull the pain of the symptoms that have arisen.

Choosing to hire a Los Angeles personal injury attorney after having developed sciatic pain as the result of a slip and fall injury can help you to recover your lost wages and the costs of your medical bills. There are time limits, however, for filing claims of this type. Thus, it is best to move fast when you recognize physical symptoms resulting from your accident.

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