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Do You Want the Guaranteed Best Way to Handle a Breakup When It"s the Last Thing You Wanted?

Rarely in life are we given a choice on things like being dumped but we can choose how to handle it.
The guaranteed best way to handle a breakup is with as much dignity as is humanly possible.
You'll be tempted to do a lot of things but you shouldn't do anything for now.
You'll have plenty of time to go through every second of your relationship looking for signs of strengths and weaknesses for now it's perfectly understandable to give in to your emotion and deal with the pain of a breakup.
Never Let Your Ex See You Cry Just make sure you don't do it in public.
Get away from the eyes of others to have your broken heart meltdown.
You especially want to be out of sight of your ex.
Never let your ex see you cry if you can avoid it.
This is a sign of weakness that you don't want to send.
On some level this is about not giving your ex that kind of power over you.
On the other it's about delivering a show of strength.
It might even surprise your ex who has braced for a giant showdown or huge public display.
Keep Your Wits About You This is going to be a little more difficult to during this troubling time in your life.
The good news is that most of us don't have to go through this pain many times.
On the downside, once is too many by some standards.
You'll be tempted to lash out at anything that moves in order to share your pain.
Misery loves company after all.
You should avoid that.
You're probably going to do one of two things.
You're either going to surround yourself with people who love you and want you to be happy (which is the wise choice of these two options) or you're going to lock yourself away from the world and try to ride out this wave of pain.
The second option takes much longer to recover from and is not the guaranteed best way to handle a breakup.
Stand Tall and Hold Your Head High This is the most difficult for some people who have just gone through a breakup.
There's a huge difference in facing the world as part of a couple and facing the world solo.
At first you'll feel as though every pair of eyes that looks your way is sizing you up and finding you unworthy or judging you for the failure of your relationship.
This isn't true but it's how you'll feel.
It's natural.
Don't let this keep you hidden away waiting for the storm to pass.
Get out there and face the world with your head held high.
You'll respect yourself much better afterwards and when dealing with a breakup respecting yourself is the best way to go.
This is the guaranteed best way to handle a breakup.

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