Health & Medical Eating & Food

What to Expect When Cleansing the Colon

    Importance of the Colon

    • Considering how many processed foods Americans eat every day, it is not uncommon for a colon to get weighed down and clogged with artificial compounds, sugars, and fats. The colon helps rid your body of all the waste it does not need, to make room for more food. If the colon gets clogged, it does not work as efficiently as it needs to. If the body is unable to eject waste, it can cause serious health defects, and even cancer.

    Types of Cleansing

    • Colon-cleansing programs range from organic to chemical, and from flushes to diets. Some programs are safer than others. The most common types of colon cleansing are supplement-based and irrigation-based. A supplement-based cleansing procedure uses specific minerals and chemicals, or even specific foods (such as high-fiber items or diuretics) to both clean the inside of the colon and cause the colon to completely empty itself. Irrigation-based colon-cleansing procedures involve filling the colon with water through a tube inserted in the rectum. Water is pushed into the colon, then released through bowel movements when the tube is removed.

    Bowel Movements

    • The most common effect of a colon cleanse is increased bowel movements. With an irrigation-based cleanse, the bowel movement will be sudden and fast, with a lingering feeling that you need to have another until the cleansing liquid has exited your body. With supplement- or food-based cleansing programs, bowel movements will slowly increase in frequency. You may also experience frequent bouts of diarrhea. When deciding to do a colon cleanse, you may want to avoid any long-distance trips and clear your schedule to allow easy access to a bathroom.

    Gastrointestinal Side Effects

    • Going through a colon cleanse can also cause some gastrointestinal side effects. With a irrigation cleanse, you can expect to have a bloated feeling, as well as lingering gas, after the procedure. With a supplement- or food-based cleanse, you may also experience cramps, stomachache and some nausea.

    Other Effects

    • More serious side effects that you may expect with some colon cleanses, especially herbal cleanses, are bloody diarrhea, discolored urine and liver toxicity. These are serious side effects for which you will want to contact your medical provider, as you may have caused damage to your colon.


    • Cleansing takes large amounts of water from your system to flush out the colon. Staying hydrated is extremely important, as it both helps the cleanse along and keeps your body from experiencing dehydration.

    Mood Changes

    • With all of the changes your body will go through, and the physical side effects of the cleanse itself, you may also experience a drastic change in mood. If you are performing a fast while cleansing, the mood change may have to do with your body going through withdrawal from the foods and drinks you normally ingest. Many people feel stressed or depressed during a cleanse. It's important to include meditation or other relaxation techniques to help keep your body and mind relaxed.


    • Your colon needs a constant balance of beneficial chemicals and bacteria to regulate itself. Unfortunately, many colon cleanses cause your body to eject these beneficial organisms from the body, leaving you susceptible to further colon problems. Doing irrigation-style colon cleansing on your own can also introduce harmful bacteria into the body if the equipment you are using is not clean. You could also puncture the colon if you are not careful.

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