Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Do It Now Or Regret It Later

Personally, I do not fear a whole lot of things. However, the one thing that scares me, is regret! I'm not referring to the type of regret that one can make amends for. For example, if I did or said something hurtful to another person, an apology or atonement can be made to rectify the situation. The regret that freaks me out is not doing the things I wanted to when I had the chance.

Regret is feeling sadness or disappointment over missing an opportunity. There are people who wake up and realize they did not live the type of life they truly wanted to live. The thoughts of, €what if, I wish, and I should have€ permeate their minds. Usually, when someone expresses regret, they have come to the conclusion that it is too late to do anything about it.

Sometimes I envision myself as an old lady who daydreams while rocking back and forth in a rocking chair. As I am watching the older me, I wonder if I am daydreaming about the great and fearless life that I lived or am I am regretting it.

One of the things that hinder people from living the type of life they desire, is the fear of taking risks. Many people choose to be comfortable instead of attempting to venture out. A person who chooses comfort over risk will stay at a job they absolutely hate just because it pays the bills. In fact, some will retire from a dreadful job and then spend the rest of their lives regretting not pursuing a career that would have made them happier.

Then there are those who regret not taking better care of their bodies. I once saw an interview that featured a lady who was in her seventies, but she looked like she was in her forties. Not only did she look fabulous, she was living a healthy life without having to take medication. She said the secret to her physical success was eating right. While in her forties, she converted to the raw vegan lifestyle. In a nutshell, she only eats raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts. When she made the switch to a healthier diet, her husband continued eating the way he did when they first got married. He was also in his seventies, but he looked like he could be her father. In addition, he took medication for diabetes and high blood pressure. He said, €I wish I would have done what she did.€ For the rest of his life, he will more than likely regret not taking better care of himself in order to keep up with his youthful looking wife.

Another thing people tend to regret is spending their whole life pleasing others. It's not the pleasing they regret, it's the fact that they neglected to please themselves in the process. Spouses and parents often live their lives for their children and significant others and then find themselves longing for the life they could have or should have lived.

The good news is, in most cases it is not too late to pursue the desired life. In order to do it, one must push fear aside and take a giant leap of faith! As my mother always says, €nothing beats a fail, but a try!€ So when the time comes for me to rock in my rocking chair, I want to be reminiscing about accomplishing or attempting to do all the things I wanted to. What memories will your rocking chair hold?

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