Society & Culture & Entertainment Hobbies & Science

How do I Tune Up a Crosscut Saw?

    • 1). Lay the crosscut saw out flat on a cement surface. Place your hands on the saw and rock it back and forth on the cement to locate any dips or raised teeth. Tap along the length of the blade with a hammer, tapping out the high spots until the saw's teeth fit flat against the cement along the length of the saw.

    • 2). Lay the saw flat on a work table. Pour a small amount of acetone on the saw and begin scrubbing the rust free from the blade with a wire brush, using the acetone to break the rust up. Continue scrubbing down the length of the saw until all of the larger rust scales are gone. You won't be able to remove all the rust, just get off the roughness. Do this on both sides.

    • 3). Slide the saw over so that the edge of the saw is protruding out over the table about one inch. Look at the teeth; you will notice that half of them are pointing down at an angle. Place your file on one of the downward facing angles. Position the file so that it sits flush onto the angle, with the edge of the file fitting into the crotch of the tooth. Your file should be sitting at about a 30-degree angle to the floor pointing down. This is the cutting angle for sharpening the blade.

    • 4). Push and pull the file over the angle, watching as you remove the rust from the angle. When the angle becomes shiny, move to the next downward facing angle in line and sharpen it in the same manner, working the file up and down until the angle is shiny and sharp when you touch it with your fingers. Do this to all the downward facing angles. Turn the saw over and do all the downward facing angles on that side.

    • 5). Check the saw handles. Tighten any screws that have come loose. Spray the saw down with WD-40. The saw is ready to use.

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