Health & Medical Nutrition

Going Beyond Nutrition to Nutrient Absorption

In today's modern farming practices and techniques the use of fertilizers and chemicals is universally wide spread, why is that anyway ? Why do we need to pump the soil so full of chemicals? Because of the depletion of vital nutrients that are absolutely necessary to the health of the crops and to maximize the performance and yield ..
right? The crops that we depend on NEED supplements in order to achieve their maximum yield and performance.
By spreading our fields with these supplements we are providing our crops with the necessary nutrients for their well being.
In order for the Human body to achieve maximum performance and have a balanced well being we too need to supplement our diet with the proper nutrients.
With the many many choice on the market today we need to be able to find the quality we need along with the maximum possible absorption so our body is able to turn those vitamins and nutrients into some thing is can use, that where The new age of supplements come in.
The Technology since 1998 has changed dramatically and we are now able to produce state of the art liquid Nutraceutical's using only the finest pharmaceutical grade liquid ingredients called.
Why not get the world's leading all in one liquid antioxidant, multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.
It not only meets medical recommendations in terms of nutrient content, but they have been specifically formulated to allow for enhanced absorption and bioavailability due to the cell-ready nature of its pharmaceutical grade liquid ingredients.
This is different on a "Molecular Scale" as compared to other supplement products Why is it different than some of the common nutritional supplements? It incorporates their technology of angstrom sized technology, giving it the ability to potentially be absorbed by the body at a 90%-99% success rate.
Do you know how big microns or colloidal's are? We have managed to purify the molecule size to nearly 10,000 times smaller than those and 4 times smaller than a red blood cell.
This allows the nutrients to be delivered to the cell in roughly 10 seconds and in the bloodstream shortly after! We believe in 4 key values to try and ensure you the best possible liquid vitamin supplements you can take! Those key values being Quality, Safety, Effectiveness, and Innovation, Ours is one of the leading pioneers of all Liquid Vitamins today! Among other things, we can provide you with a healthy source of energy and restore those lost vitamins and minerals into your body.
Get our flagship product of and feel the differencewe also have a vast product line of many health nutritional supplements for you! Get to RiverCity Nutrition for more information.
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