Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Premature Hair Loss and Your Options

For many people, hair on the head is an integral part of who they are.
It can affect personality, health and self esteem.
The first day that you notice a small bald patch, widow's peak or thinning hair can be a very morose one.
It brings thoughts of despair regarding the changes further balding will have on your personal appearance and even your mental health.
Some people worry that other people, especially potential romantic suitors, will like them less or that bosses and co-workers will regard them with less authority.
It is hard not to feel sorry for yourself when premature balding occurs, but it is important to know that it is not your fault and that you do have options.
What can be done about Premature Balding? Hair loss falls into two categories: hereditary and non-hereditary hair loss.
If your balding is due to genes, which most people's is, there are certain courses of action you can take.
Hair loss may be completely unrelated to genes, however.
Many times hair loss is a sign of a minor or serious illness.
There are certain dermatological disorders such as Alopecia which cause patches of hair loss and the loss of hair can also be a sign of malnourishment or vitamin deficiencies.
If this is the case, go to your general practitioner as soon as possible so a proper diagnosis can be made.
Your doctor may suggest medicine, vitamins or a diet change.
Genetic balding can usually be detected by the hair patterns of your maternal grandfather.
You may have been well aware that you would go bald at an early age for a long time.
If you were already aware, you may have taken certain steps to ensure that the balding is lessened.
Balding cannot be completely prevented, but it can be slowed down significantly.
Balding Control Methods There are a number of things that you can do to slow down balding.
There are invasive cosmetic procedures and over the counter drugs that are easy to use.
Some of your options are: oTopical hair growth shampoos, gels and medicines such as Rogaine which are applied daily.
oVitamins that can help with hair growth and health.
oDermatologist prescribed drugs intended to slow loss.
oSpecial brushes that cause less abrasion to the scalp.
oHair plugs.

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