Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Electric Bikes -Too Good To Ignore

Now-a-days with the emphasis being more and more on using environment friendly lifestyle , why not implement this concept in the vehicles that we use.  Check out an environment-friendly electric bikes or e-bikes that offer sophisticated transportation and at the same time incorporates an environment-friendly features. 

Why Switch Over To Electric Bikes?

These bikes are really fun-to-ride and once you start using them, you will no longer need the standard petrol bike. It comes with a motor and a rechargeable battery. Using the bike is easy and you will have no problem in getting started with it and riding it. It's more fun to ride than your regular bike and offers more speed as well. Imagine a fast riding bike on the streets, but without the smoke that comes from fuel-powered vehicles. Not only is it fun, you are also contributing in a small way to the environment by using a vehicle that does not cause pollution. There are lots of benefits in using electric bikes. Here is a look at the key benefits:
  • They enable you to commute swiftly, smoothly and easily.
  •  They do not cause any physical strain.
  • They are particularly suitable for people who are a bit weak and cannot pedal long distances. They are very adept for climbing on hilly terrain.
  • There is no question of harming the environment as no fuel is used. Any petrol or gas
  • They are really fun to ride.
  • They do not require any license or insurance.
  • They give you a good speed of 20+ mph.

The interesting thing about electric bikes is that they enable you to reach the office location on time, even if there is a lot of traffic. If you were to cycle to work, you will reach the office tired and sweaty, but in an electric bike you feel energetic and fresh. The bikes offer three different riding options namely manual, pedal assist and full throttle. They can be set according to your riding requirement. If required, you can use the motor power of the electric bike; else you can opt for ordinary pedaling if the distance you are covering is short.

Those who make use of bikes to ride up hills will find electric bikes to be ideal for such terrain. They can ride the bike unexhausted across and up the hills and negotiate long distances without any discomfort. If you had previously been using the car to drive up the hill, now there is a better option is using electric bikes.  These bikes take you swiftly across such terrain. The biggest benefit that electric bikes offer is speed. They provide an amazing 20mph which takes you across the roads really fast. So, if you are late to work, do not worry! Switch the riding option to full throttle and ride through the streets like a breeze.  Give your colleagues a reason to envy. Be the first to set an example for others to follow your eco-friendly style of commuting. 

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