Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Get Energy Efficient with Green Technology House Plans

With the rising cost of energy consumption, the option of getting energy efficient homes has become a more feasible option for home buyers. The concept of using sustainable technologies in the house plans has become a practical and renowned concept among house builders. One house builder using sustainable design principles in their house plans is Urbanedge Homes.

At Urbanedge Homes, home buyers are offered eco friendly homes and energy efficient house plans. Unlike other homes, most of the Urbanedge Homes offered by Urbanedge have an energy rating of 5 stars. Aside from their Urbanedge Homes, their Urbangreen display homes have achieved a higher energy rating of 7 stars.

For home owners, there are various advantages that come with having energy efficient house plans. Some of these advantages are:

1. Power saving

By using sustainable design principles such as fluorescent lighting and gas-boosted solar hot water system in their house plans, home owners will be able to achieve better energy efficiency for their homes. At Urbanedge, their builders use careful solar orientation in the Urbangreen homes in order to provide better insulation within homes.

2. Lesser greenhouse gas emissions

With energy efficient house plans [http://www.urbanedgehomes.com.au/VIC/home_designs.aspx] incorporated in their homes, home owners will be able conserve energy, which will lead to lesser greenhouse gas emissions. With display homes such as the Urbangreen homes, home owners will be able to reduce their household costs and become more environmentally responsible with a cleaner and healthier home.

Although homes that have energy efficient house plans may cost a little higher than ordinary homes, the long -term benefits offered by these energy efficient technologies will cover for the costs. So for home owners who want to save energy for their daily household energy usage, the Urbangreen homes can provide cheaper household running costs as well as a clean and healthy environment for the home owner to live in. For more information about the house plans of their Urbangreen homes, please visit [http://www.urbanedgehomes.com.au/VIC/]

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