Home & Garden Architecture

How to Build a Simple Patio Out of Pavers

Things You'll Need



Measure the area designated for the paver patio and spray-paint lines.

Dig out the patio as deep you require it. Generally, you will need to dig 6 to 8 inches below where you want the patio to sit to allow room for the gravel, sand and the height of the pavers. Consider where the path leads and how much weight the patio will bear. Remove sod and topsoil to desired depth and lay out the landscape fabric if using.

Fill the excavated area with gravel and smooth out with a rake. Use the 2-by-4 and the level to ensure the area is leveled appropriately. If you need to grade the patio or path for drainage, a 1-inch slope for every 10 feet is a general rule of thumb.

Tamper the gravel in place and check to make sure it is level.

Add a layer of sand to a depth between 1 and 2 inches. Make any adjustments to ensure the patio is level.

Lay the stones out on your chosen pattern. For instance, the basket weave consists of two stones laid side by side, tightly together, followed by two stones laid side by side perpendicular to the first two to form a checkerboard. Concentrate on the middle area of the patio first and continue with the edge once the rest of the stones are laid.

Cut the paver stones with the diamond paver blade to form a straight edge for the edging and lay them in place. Install the edging for the path to hold it in place.

Cover the patio lightly with sand and sweep it into the cracks and crevices, this is called back filling. Once complete, the patio can be tampered again to secure its position.

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