Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Remove Gum From a Sidewalk

    • 1). Harden the gum if the spot is fresh and the gum is still soft. Rub an ice cube over the gum spot for a few minutes to chill it and make it brittle.

    • 2). Scrape off as much of the hardened gum as possible using a putty knife or metal scraper. Get the corner of the scraper right under the gum to carefully pry it from the sidewalk.

    • 3). Pour denatured alcohol onto any remaining gum left on the sidewalk. Make sure to thoroughly saturate the spot with the alcohol.

    • 4). Scrape the gum spot again with the putty knife or scraper until all of the gum is gone. Use a wire brush to scrub away any residue left on the sidewalk.

    • 5). Wash the affected area of the sidewalk with a scrub brush and hot, soapy water. Rinse with water from the garden hose.

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