Family & Relationships Conflict

Helpful Advice on How to Win Back Your Ex Boyfriend

Understand Men's Thinking When women are contemplating ways to win back an ex they often want to try things that are very emotional and even outrageous.
These kinds of things cause a response in women and women assume that this will work to get a response in their ex.
Getting chocolates, phone calls, and love letters slipped under your door may be intense, but when you are receiving these gifts from the man you care about it is difficult to deny their effect.
Simply put, men do not process things this way.
Sending your man chocolates and love letters, or calling him repeatedly wanting to pour out your heart aren't going to tug at his heartstrings.
In order to communicate with him without pushing or scaring him away will require you to learn how to see things from a guy's point of view.
If you can relate to him in a calm, rational manner you'll do more to convince him.
Focus on the Positive After a break up, a lot of women overreact and out act in order to prove that they can live independently of their ex boyfriend.
They put on risqué clothes and go out to clubs and bars to flirt and get attention even if it doesn't feel right.
However, this kind of behavior is unlikely to trick the guy or make him want to come back to you.
He will reason, and correctly so, that as you weren't into these things before the break up the only reason you would be making a lifestyle-180 is due to your hurt feelings regarding him.
The real way to get his attention again is just to focus on improving yourself rather than trying to become something you're not.
Do Something Together Hopefully your relationship consisted of more than just physical contact.
There had to be something more that connected you, whether it was ideas, shared beliefs, or shared activities that you were both passionate about.
If you've got something that you can do together it will be a big help in getting back together.
Perhaps you both belonged to a hiking or camping club; try to find a similar one in your area and then invite him to come along the next time they go out.
Honesty is the Best Policy The last but certainly not least tip is that being straightforward and honest with your man is the best bet to winning him back.
Pointing fingers and blaming everything on him won't bring the relationship back.
Do the mature thing and accept your part in the break up.
This is difficult since it requires you to self-examine and understand ways that your behavior changed during the course of the relationship.
You may have begun to take him for granted and started slacking on the relationship itself.
Perhaps you felt him pulling away emotionally and you overreacted or tried to make him jealous? If this is the case accept responsibility for what happened and the two of you can work through it.
Apply these tips towards your own relationship troubles and you'll be well on your way to winning back your man.
But, even if he chooses not to return you won't have compromised your self-respect.

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