Health & Medical Nutrition

Soy Is a Healthy Aliment

Soy is considered a super aliment because it contains a lot of vegetable hormones, therefore being an excellent replacement for meat.
Women have an extra reason for eating soy, this aliment being known for the hormonal balance it creates.
Soy has a lot of invaluable nutritive values and it can be used with many recipes.
The Chinese were the first one who recognized soy as one of the five sacred cultures thousands of years ago.
The other four were wheat, rice, millet and barley.
The Europeans only adopted this plant in the twentieth century.
Soy is rich in vitamins and minerals, but what makes it so unique is the amount of proteins it contains.
Almost forty per cent of soy consists of proteins, which makes it a tasteful vegetable with properties similar to those of the meat.
Moreover, soy doesn't elevate your cholesterol levels and it has a small amount of saturated fats, which is ideal for those who want to stay fit and prevent all kinds of cardiovascular illnesses.
Those who already have cholesterol problems are recommended to eat soy on a daily basis, as this plant reduces the cholesterol levels and protects your circulation from all kinds of affections, such as high blood pressure, diabetes and so on.
Also, it has been proven that soy stabilizes the insulin in the blood, preventing any nutritional imbalances.
Therefore, if you want to be healthy and to weigh just as much as you want, you might find that soy is one of your solutions you have been looking for all your life.

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