The Mental Aspects of Energy Magick and Distance Healing
In this article I am going to talk about how one can send and receive energy from across continents, miles, countries, and across the world.
We as humans are capable of reading peoples energies and receiving people's energies from anywhere.
The most important thing to understand about distance healing is that it is all about energy.
Mental energy is easier to change, shape or manipulate than physical energy.
Whatever you believe affects your healing or how you can extend your energy.
Say for instance you believe that it is harder to send healing energy a thousand miles, than it is to send it one mile then that is exactly what is going to happen and that is exactly what it will be.
It will feel like it is harder to do.
However, if you can decide and change your belief, say you wake up and decide that energy is something that you can change by how you believe about it then it will naturally happen for you.
So you have to be committed to believing that sending energy is the same for when someone is sitting in the same room as you as it is when someone is millions of miles away, then your abilities of course will be affected also.
It doesn't matter where they are because energy has little reference to space and time and this is very different than our human understanding of space and time.
In the energy level you can read energy levels, send healing energy and more regardless of where some is located.
That is the wonderful things about distance healing, you work with people across distance, over the phone, internet, email however you want to do it.
It can be just as effective as or more effective than working with someone face to face.
One more issue it is important to discuss is the fact that you really need to be sensitive to others personal space when you do energy work of any kind, including healing.
So you don't want to be sending healing energies to just anybody just because you think they need it.
You need to be respectful of their space and it isn't useful in the energy sense because they may or may not be open to receiving that energy.
And so it's important to always get permission via email, the telephone, face to face or however you are working so you can get that permission directly.
If that is impossible, say if they are to young, are in a coma, etc, then you at the very least need to get their energy permission to do the work you would like to do.
That is respect and it's very important to have respect for other people's space as an energy healer or an energy worker.
We as humans are capable of reading peoples energies and receiving people's energies from anywhere.
The most important thing to understand about distance healing is that it is all about energy.
Mental energy is easier to change, shape or manipulate than physical energy.
Whatever you believe affects your healing or how you can extend your energy.
Say for instance you believe that it is harder to send healing energy a thousand miles, than it is to send it one mile then that is exactly what is going to happen and that is exactly what it will be.
It will feel like it is harder to do.
However, if you can decide and change your belief, say you wake up and decide that energy is something that you can change by how you believe about it then it will naturally happen for you.
So you have to be committed to believing that sending energy is the same for when someone is sitting in the same room as you as it is when someone is millions of miles away, then your abilities of course will be affected also.
It doesn't matter where they are because energy has little reference to space and time and this is very different than our human understanding of space and time.
In the energy level you can read energy levels, send healing energy and more regardless of where some is located.
That is the wonderful things about distance healing, you work with people across distance, over the phone, internet, email however you want to do it.
It can be just as effective as or more effective than working with someone face to face.
One more issue it is important to discuss is the fact that you really need to be sensitive to others personal space when you do energy work of any kind, including healing.
So you don't want to be sending healing energies to just anybody just because you think they need it.
You need to be respectful of their space and it isn't useful in the energy sense because they may or may not be open to receiving that energy.
And so it's important to always get permission via email, the telephone, face to face or however you are working so you can get that permission directly.
If that is impossible, say if they are to young, are in a coma, etc, then you at the very least need to get their energy permission to do the work you would like to do.
That is respect and it's very important to have respect for other people's space as an energy healer or an energy worker.