Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Gods System For Distributing The Commodity Of Freedom.

True freedom is always measured by its boundaries; not by the lack thereof. True valuable territory is known by a boundary.

Do you know your boundaries? Do you live within them? Or, are you always trying to step outside of your boundaries or push the limitations you have been given?

I remember playing soccer as a teenager and the disappointment when I had gone out of bounds and had to give the ball over to the other team. All boundaries really do serve a specific purpose and are maintained for the good of all. Occasionally, when a team player went out of bounds, they lost the privilege of playing for a period of time.

For a newborn babe, the first freedom he is given is the freedom of the crib. He can cry, scream, play, sleep, and all those other things babies do, as long as he stays within the boundary of that crib. When he grows a little more, he is given the freedom of the playpen. This is much better because here he can play with toys, make a lot of noise, crawl around, and see all that is going on around him. The next big step is the freedom of the living room. This gets even better because now he can explore his surroundings. But he must stay within the boundaries of the living room. When he violates that freedom by attempting to crawl up the stairs, what happens? Mom puts him back in the playpen. He lost his freedom because he violated his boundaries.

As the years pass, the freedoms growthe freedom of the back yard, then the neighborhood. But what happens when he violates his boundary of staying in the neighborhood? He is restricted once again to his own yard. Sweet Sixteen is here. Do you remember your glorious day? With tears in Mom and Dads eyes, what freedom was given to you? The freedom of the car: This is so much better than the playpen, or the back yard, or even riding bikes through the neighborhood! But the moment those flashing lights pull up behind the speeding teenager, that freedom is taken away. He is now back to the bicycle. Why? Because he violated his freedom of the car. Freedom abused is often freedom lost.

Such is Gods system for distributing the commodity of freedom. As we grow within our boundaries, those boundaries will grow with us. As we become spiritually strong, we gain liberty. The Bible says where the Spirit is, there is liberty! However, when we violate or reject these boundaries, those freedoms are taken away. I have learned many boundaries to follow throughout my Christian life. They are given to me by the Holy Spirits leading, through the words Scriptures read, life experiences and many other various means. I learned many boundaries under my pastors preaching and from various authors. Preachers and teachers have helped me understand the value of a system of obedience that is measured by remaining within boundaries.

I do not take my subjection to His limitations as an offense to my personal attribution. I now have a realization that every violation brings subsequent restriction and loss of liberation.

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