Health & Medical Depression

Herbs For Depression - Fight Depression With Herbal Remedies

With the world the way it is today, it comes as no surprise that more people are being diagnosed with depression.
Everyone is bombarded with bad news on a daily basis.
If they're not being inundated about the dangers of global warming, they're being told that wars are imminent.
In a world with these types of stresses, more and more people will begin to experience some form of depression symptom.
Anxiety and stress is also on the rise.
People are concerned about the economy and their retirement plans.
On top of that, gas prices are at an all time high.
Me personally - I do not watch the news.
I watch noggin and the Disney channel with my kids, and on Saturdays and Sundays, I indulge myself with football.
However, if you are becoming depressed about the way things are going now, there are herbal remedies out there that you can take to help you relax.
If you are suffering with depression to the point that you are considering suicide, please go see a specialist right away.
Herbal remedies are not for extreme cases of depression.
Herbal remedies are for a person who just needs something to help them relax and get their minds off all the bad news of the day.
The FDA does not endorse many of the herbs for depression; however, most have been studied and tested by independent entities and proven to have some effect on mild depression.
One herb that is widely used all over the world is called St.
John's Wort.
Many clinical studies have shown this herb to be very effective against bouts of depression.
There are studies that show St.
John's Wort is just as effective as drugs such as Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil, but without the side effects.
The best herb for depression is pharmaceutical-grade St.
John's Wort extract.

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