How to Build Wood Walls on Concrete
- 1). Make small marks on the concrete where the wall will go, then snap a chalk line to connect them to give you a guide.
- 2). Cut sill plates to the proper length. Sill plates are pressure-treated 2 x 4 boards that will be fastened to the concrete and the bottom of the wall. Make sure these are straight.
- 3). If the wall you are building will connect to another wall, start installing sill plates up against that wall. If it will be a freestanding wall, pick a corner to start in.
- 4). Line up the first sill plate and attach it to the concrete with masonry screws.
- 5). Line up the next board at the end of the first one and attach it with masonry screws. Repeat this process until all sill plates are installed.
- 6). Cut studs for the wall to right length.
- 7). Working on a flat surface, lay a 2x4 on edge for a bottom plate and nail the end stud into it.
- 8). Mark the center of the first stud. Temporarily drive a nail partway into the bottom plate, then hook the end of your tape measure around it.
- 9). Mark every 16 inches on the bottom plate (this will show you where to nail other studs).
- 10
Go back to the first mark you made, line up the next stud so it's centered on the mark and nail it into place. Repeat this until all studs have been installed. - 11
Go to the other side of the frame, line up a 2x4 for a top plate and nail it at each stud. - 12
With the help of one or two other people, lift the wall and position it on the sill plate. Nail the wall into the sill plate and the ceiling. - 13
Repeat this process until all frames have been installed. - 14
Measure how wide the wall is, then cut a sheet of drywall about 1/4-inch shorter than the wall. - 15
Have helpers lift the drywall up tight against the ceiling and drive screws into the drywall over the studs. Install one screw in each stud in the middle of the drywall to temporarily secure it, then go back and install screws every 16 inches. - 16
Repeat this step until the entire frame is covered with drywall. - 17
Using a 6-inch putty knife, apply joint compound to gaps between pieces of drywall. - 18
Put drywall tape over the seam, then run the putty knife over it to press it into the joint compound. - 19
Let it dry overnight, and add a second coat, and then a third coat after letting the second coat dry overnight. - 20
Sand rough spots on the wall and apply paint or wallpaper.