Banana Frozen Dessert Recipes
Bananas are a great ingredient for frozen desserts because they are sweet and creamy. They bring a great texture to desserts, or you can just freeze them and dip them in chocolate. Bananas are a healthy, sweet treat for your family and can transform into a ton of different dessert recipes.
Banana Split
If you think of bananas and ice cream, one of the first images that comes to your mind is probably an old fashioned banana split.This ice cream sundae is a classic. Use three flavors of ice cream and three unique sauces, all topped with whipped cream and peanuts. You may want to find a friend or two to share with! Luckily, when you make your banana splits at home, you can add all the cherries that you want.
Caramel Banana Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
This is one of the fanciest banana ice cream recipes, so it may be a little challenging for novice cooks. However, if you know how to make caramel, you will be fine at trying this recipe. You create a caramel sauce, add in the mashed bananas and chocolate chips, and churn the mixture in your ice cream freezer. Chocolate and bananas are a perfect pairing, and the caramel gives a great depth of flavor.Raw Vegan Banana Ice Cream
From one of the most complicated recipes to one of the simplest, bananas demonstrate their range. This recipe fits a raw diet or a vegan lifestyle, and the only ingredient you need is frozen bananas. Once you freeze them, put them through a juicer to get a great, sorbet-like texture from them.The natural creaminess of a banana comes makes for a perfect finished product.