Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

How To Increase Fertility

There are a lot of ways which can help women to get pregnant fast. These ideas occur when a lot of couples began to have problems when it comes to conceiving. The reason is that they thought that it is only affected by sexual intercourse. But they were wrong about it. There are a lot of factors that affects fertility. But there are ways too that can help boost the fertility of the couples

Know the time to Ovulate

Women have usually a 28 day cycle. Many couples believe that in the 14th day the women are fertile. But this is not true. Being fertile and that capable of conceiving cannot be told by the day or time. It is determined by the time when the woman ovulates. To know this, women should consider the state and the amount of their cervical mucus.

The cervical mucus is the substance that is produced by the cervical hormones. If the cervical mucus appears to be watery and elastic, this means that ovulation is near. When this time occurs, sexual intercourse should be 24 hours before ovulation. Sexual intercourse should not be done after the ovulation because the egg cell only survives within 12 to 24 hours.

Another secret of getting pregnant fast is to know the time of ovulation. One way is to have the test called the basal body testing. Though the use of the basal body thermometer, this can accurately detect the time of the ovulation. When the ovulation is near the temperature tends to increase. When you already have an insight when ovulation mostly occurs, then you will know when to have a sexual intercourse.

Age Affects Pregnancy

Age can play a major role in getting pregnant fast. The younger the age the great chance in getting pregnant. While above 40 of age lessen the chance of getting pregnant. Usually, when a woman approaches the age of 30, she has the difficulty of conceiving where there is small percentage.

There are a lot of factors that need to be considered when wanting to get pregnant fast. There are a lot of methods that are available. They may be simple or complicated. Some requires a lot of money and there are those who only cost 50 dollars. There are scientific and there are those too who are natural.

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