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A Home For Your Writing - Tips For Posting Your Work Online

The Internet is a wonderful place for writers.
With a variety of writing contests only a few clicks away, handy search engines to help with research for stories and novels, and numerous websites to read other authors' work, the Internet is a source of information and inspiration.
It also brings the temptation to post our own work.
Many writers long to share their creations, to reach out and touch others with their words.
It doesn't matter if our readers live halfway across the world; many of us share the dream that somewhere someone will read what we have to say and for a moment there is that connection, however fleeting.
With the Internet covering just about any topic and idea you can think of, it can somehow feel like a safe place to share your writing, even for the shyest of authors.
There's a sense of anonymity for those who do not like to reveal themselves, and a myriad of options for those who are not shy, and would like to promote their work.
But all those many options can lead to confusion.
How do you find the best home for your work, one that will suit your needs? Should you create your own website? What if what you really want is feedback? How do you reach your target audience? What if you don't want everyone to read your work, how do you prevent that from happening? And how do you prevent others from copying your creations and claiming them as their own? Your Own Website There are many benefits to having your own website.
You can set it up just how you want to, you can create a guestbook, forums, and add a link visitors can click to email you.
There are plenty of options for interaction with your audience, if you so desire.
The style of your own page can reflect who you are, and underline your individuality.
You can share what writing you want, and if you self-publish it is a potential way of increasing sales.
There are downsides to using your own website as a home for your writing.
The main one, of course, is that there is little protection from other people copying your work.
Even though your writing is automatically protected the moment it's written, and even though you might have taken additional copyright measures, this doesn't stop some from posting it elsewhere under their own name.
Granted, the people who have little regard for copyright are in the minority, at least when it comes to the written word.
But it happens, and it is not always easy to uncover it or take action against it.
Another downside, at least for those who do not like just anyone and everyone having access to their work, is that there is little that can be done to stop others looking at whatever you have chosen to post on your site.
This can lead to doubt about what you should or should not post, which can take away the joy of sharing your writing.
Writing Websites There are many different writing websites on the Internet, offering a place to post your work.
It can be difficult to figure out which one is suitable for you and your needs.
If joining a writing website appeals to you, I recommend having a browse around the various options available.
Read their About or Frequently Asked Questions section, ponder which site would be most likely to attract your target audience, and take some time to think about what you would like to gain from the experience.
Some things to look for: - Does the website offer a free membership? It is always good to be able to try everything out without having to pay for it.
If you have to pay for a membership straightaway and do not like the website after spending some time there, you've lost money, which can add to the disappointment.
There are plenty of sites offering at least a free basic membership.
If you love the site you can always upgrade in the future.
- Can you post what you want, or do you have to submit your work for approval before it is posted? There is a certain satisfaction when you are able to post what you want, when you want, and have it on the website immediately.
It is handy to have your own portfolio space and the tools to upload your items, edit them when you please, save drafts and delete an item when you like.
An added advantage is that if you want to leave the website you do not have to go through any procedures to remove your writings - you are in control.
- For those who do not want everyone to be able to see their creations, there are places where you can set access levels to your items.
For example, you could set your items to be visible to members of the site only.
This would prevent people from simply browsing your name and being able to see what you have placed on the Internet.
Check to see if you can keep your work private.
This is great for when you are working on a piece and are not yet ready to show it to the world.
It is also handy for when you want to enter a writing contest and they request first electronic rights if you place.
Afterwards, you can set the item to whichever viewing level you prefer.
Being able to set access levels to your items offers more safety as well.
It adds some protection from those people who see no problem with copying your work.
Website communities tend to have respect for other members and take too much pride and joy in their own writings to copy someone else's.
- If you are looking for honest feedback, check if the website you are considering offers feedback tools to their members.
Most websites will have such options, but some offer more space for thorough feedback and interaction than others.
Only you can decide what would be the most suitable for you.
In Summary It can be a bit overwhelming to find a home for your writing, but if you are considering using the Internet to showcase your work, it is highly recommended to have a good browse around and check out what is on offer.
When you do find a place that provides you with everything you are looking for it is a very rewarding and inspiring experience.
One more word of advice - always keep backup copies of your writings.
Computers are temperamental and even though website servers tend to be well-maintained and stable, it is better to be safe.
Good luck in your search!

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