Health & Medical Anxiety

Medication Vs Relaxation - Which is the Best Panic Disorder Therapy

There are millions of individuals who desire to have a Panic disorder therapy method that gives them relief from panic attacks.
They are tired of feeling panic, distress, phobias, fear and many other things.
With all of these people seeking to find panic disorder therapy that works, many options have surfaced catering to all kinds of situations.
In this article I will attempt to show you the differences between the main 2 types of panic disorder therapy methods: Medication or Relaxation.
There have been numerous studies done.
They have found that medication is an effective way to treat those who suffer from anxiety and panic episodes.
But What Studies have also found Is That Medication Is Not The Best Panic Disorder Therapy Option.
Why? Because of the many side effects that it produces within someone who is seeking relief from all pains and tribulations associated with anxiety.
Medications do provide temporary relief, but the problems always return and you just have to keep "popping pills" over and over again.
Is that smart? I don't think so.
Relaxation techniques including breathing exercises combined with some herbal remedies have been shown through studies to greatly reduce if not eliminate anxiety attacks.
What these techniques do is not to target some chemicals in your body to cause a relaxing effect as medications do, but rather it focuses on the problem that cause the panic attack all together.
It's all a mental thing.
You target the fear that is gripping you and you learn to cope with it through different techniques.
Very effective panic disorder therapy method.

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