Dog Warden Job Description
- A dog warden is responsible for patrolling his assigned district to collect stray animals and, if possible, return them to their owners. The warden also interviews animal owners in violation of legal obligations to ensure animals are kept under control and do not pose any danger to the public.
- The dog warden responds to complaints about animals or owners violating ordinances. When the warden must transport an animal, he does so in a safe and humane manner. The animal warden also investigates animal bites reported to the authorities; the warden prepares reports and maintains records on these incidents.
- The most important role of a dog warden is to inform and educate the public about issues involving animals. For example, when animals are allowed to roam in the streets, they must fend for themselves. They eat whatever they can find, and they become afraid of, and sometimes aggressive toward, people. They have babies, and those puppies or kittens add to the problem. The dog warden tries to find homes for animals he rescues from the street. If an animal cannot be rehabilitated or if a home cannot be found, the animal is euthanized.
- The dog owner's ultimate mission is to make sure that people fulfill their responsibilities as pet owners. The true job of a dog warden is to protect animals from the public while protecting the public from animals.
- In addition to keeping animals and the public safe, a dog warden must attend required training courses, collect payments for animal-related service, and comply with health and safety regulations. A dog warden acts as liaison with the local police department and animal welfare organizations on all matters relating to animal control and welfare.