Business & Finance Corporations

The Real Truth About Success Revealed

What do you picture when you hear the word 'success'? Is it a fancy home, or fancy cars? Fine dining? Exotic vacations? Financial freedom? Success is glamorous.
Dare I say it? Sexy.
Yes, success is sexy.
Have you ever met someone successful and they elude a confidence that is downright sexy? So while success in itself is (or can be) sexy, achieving it is not.
Success requires hard, sometime tedious and repetitive actions, over the course of long hours for a long time.
The reason less than 10% of the population is successful in achieving financial dependence is because it takes hard word.
Often times, the fruits of your labor don't appear immediately.
You have to keep the faith that your work will bear rewards, with most people quitting before they reap what they have sowed.
How 'BUT' Thinking is Killing Your Success.
In order to achieve something new you will have to give up something.
People avoid this in order to justify NOT becoming successful.
When you hear it, it will sound like this "I'd love to be that successful BUT she has a strict schedule" or "He is in great shape BUT he works out 6 days a week" or "They have a great marriage BUT they go to workshops and seminars together" or "She is thin BUT she watches everything she eats".
Well, let me break it to you gently...
That is how success works!!! Successful people are so because they work hard, they stick to a schedule and are disciplined.
Fit people are so because they work out and watch what they eat.
People with great relationships have them because they put time and effort into those relationships.
You have to be willing to pay the price of success.
If you are unwilling, you cannot complain or begrudge those who do.
If you really want to achieve a goal it may not be easy, but I can bet it is simple.
Look around, how many people have already achieved success or accomplished a goal you have? That means it can be done! That means there is a blue print for your success.
That is the power of network marketing! You do not have create or reinvent the wheel.
Follow the blue print and it works! It really is that simple.
In order to get anything in life, from groceries, a home or success, you have to be willing to pay the price.
Don't be envious of the success of others.
Do what they do and achieve it yourself.
If you want to run a successful business, pick someone who has achieved the success you want and follow her example.
If you want to get fit, find an athlete you admire and follow their training program.
It won't be easy, but it will be worth it! If you aren't willing to pay the price it's ok.
Just remove that goal from your list.
Don't beat yourself up over it or dread looking at your goals because you are avoiding working towards them.
Do yourself a favor and remove it from your list and replace it with something you DO want to achieve.
What are your top three goals for 2012? Are you on track to reach them? If you enjoyed this article, like and share it with your friends!

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