Society & Culture & Entertainment Writing

Article Marketing Tips - Guide for People Who Want to Outsource - Part 1

There's no denying it; article marketing is the most powerful, most effective internet marketing tool of all time.
However, we cannot deny the fact that it's a very time-consuming, overwhelming process.
For people who are just starting out, they will need to write and distribute at least 5-10 articles per day.
That would very well mean staying in front of their computer for at least 5 hours per day.
Good thing you now have the option to outsource.
You can get reliable people to do the entire process for you.
This is now a popular option especially for those marketers who are promoting more than one website and who would like to benefit from the expertise and experience of professional freelance SEO article marketers.
Here's a guide that you can use if you're leaning towards outsourcing your article marketing tasks:
  1. Know your resources.
    First, it would really help to know that you might need to spend more than just a couple of dollars in order to get your articles written and distributed in the online arena.
    How much are you willing to spend in this endeavor? Keep in mind that your budget will most likely to dictate the kind of freelancers that you're going to get.
    If you're willing to spend more, you can get the services of those who have proven track record in this field.
    Yes, the saying "you'll get what you pay for" also applies here.
  2. Know what you want.
    You'll most likely to get exactly what you're looking for if you know exactly what it is.
    I suggest that you list down your article marketing goals and figure out what you need in order to achieve them.
    For example, if you want to increase your traffic by up to a hundredfold, you will need to double the number of articles that you publish under your name.
  3. Create a descriptive article writing project.
    Before you go ahead and look for freelancers that you can partner with, I suggest that you create a very descriptive article writing project that contains all the details that your freelancers would want to know.
    These include the number of articles that you need, the topics to discuss, the amount of research needed, SEO writing techniques to use, and the deadline.
    It will help if you can offer a sample article that your potential freelancers can use as a guide.
  4. Ask for recommendations.
    Now that you're ready to look for professional SEO article marketers, the next step to take is to ask for recommendations from people that you know and trust.
    Call other internet marketers who have outsourced their articles before and see if they can recommend somebody to you.
    Going this route will help you save a lot of time as you can be assured that the people that you'll be working with have what it takes to give you the kind of articles and service that you're looking for.

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