Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

The Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever was originally developed to retrieve fowl during hunting and is now a popular breed.
They are the most common family dogs as they are easy to handle, extremely tolerant, happy and friendly dogs.
They have a very high level of sociability, and are good learners.
This factor makes them very useful as guide dogs and they are used in search and rescue operations also.
They are low-maintenance and they work best when they get attention, regular exercise, and a balanced diet with regular veterinary check-ups.
Dog lovers around the world will tell you that here is a dog who is going to be your friend for life.
If you are a family person, settled in one place then the Golden Retriever is an excellent family dog for you.
They relate very well to children especially if they have been brought up with well-behaved kids from the puppy stage.
Golden Retrievers are keen to please their owners so it is relatively easy to train them to be obedient.
They don't do so well in the competition arena but they can hold their own.
They don't make very good watchdogs because they are very friendly but their loud bark and size can scare trespassers.
They shed hair all the year round and they love to get wet so if you have a pool, beware! The Golden Retriever loves to swim but you should be aware that the pool will have to be cleaned more often or dog hair will choke the pipes.
Teach your dog to get out of the pool but avoid leaving him unattended.
Golden Retrievers want attention and company at all times.
So if you are the type who is not going to be home for long periods then don't think of the Golden Retriever as your choice of pet because they don't handle being alone very well.
Golden Retrievers are large dogs, very excitable and can knock children over in their exuberance.
So if you have a toddler and a Golden Retriever then ensure that they are not left alone or you may have a problem on your hands.
One whack of the tail can send your toddler tumbling and one poke in the eye or a tug on the tail can get your otherwise very peaceful Golden Retriever a bit upset.
To train a pup you need time and patience so if you don't have either then pickup a pup that has been house broken and trained.
If you do have the patience then the experience can be very rewarding and satisfying especially as the pup grows with the family and learns to do things with the family.
Here is a dog who will accompany you on hikes, walks, camping and all other family activities.
In the dog world, Golden Retrievers are a preferred breed, they make neat pets, hunting dogs, show dogs, and there are some who have a combination of all these traits.
If you want a pet - look no further.
Get a Golden Retriever pup today and start training it.
Your kids will learn responsibility and they will have a friend and companion for many years.
You will have a good watchdog, a good family dog and a partner when you need one the most!

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