Is the Rhododendron a Perennial?
- Perennials are defined as fibrous rooted plants that grow and produce flowers for more than two years. This is contrary to annuals that complete their entire life cycle in one year from growing and blooming to setting seed and dying. Although rhododendrons also live and bloom for over two years, they are classified as shrubs due to their woody stems as opposed to the herbaceous stems of perennials.
- Rhododendron shrubs have 3- to 6-inches-long, leathery leaves and woody stems. The plants bloom with large clusters of tubular flowers growing from branch tips. The flowers appear between late spring and summer, and come in a greater variety of colors than roses, cites the Clemson Cooperative Extension. The plants have few pest related problems and are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 5 to 8.
- Plant the shrubs in fertile, well-drained soil. Amend the planting site with organic matter prior to plant especially in clay soil as this helps to improve water and nutrient retention capacity of soil. Lay a 4-inch-deep layer of pine bark over planting site and incorporate it well into the 6 to 8 inches of upper soil surface. Test soil pH as rhododendrons grow best in an acidic soil with a pH ranging between 4.5 and 6.0.
- Rhododendrons grow best in areas of partial sun or dappled shade such as in the shade of larger trees. The plants do not grow well in direct sun or in areas that receive hot afternoon sun. Select a site that is not exposed to high winds. Certain varieties tolerate few hours of early morning sun. For best growth, plant rhododendrons during fall and keep plants well watered through the first year of growth.