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How to Fund Tubal Reversals

    • 1). Find out the type of tubal ligation you received. This will determine how successful a reversal will be, or if a reversal is even possible. Types of tubal ligation are cauterization, cutting the tubes, clamping the tubes, or blockage. The extent to which the tubes are damaged affects the success of the reversal, and blockage is usually the hardest to undo. The tubes may also be so scarred that an egg would not pass though even if a reversal is performed, so the surgery would be a useless expense.

    • 2). Apply for a loan. Banks will sometimes fund medical procedures if you can offer collateral to secure the loan. Payments are set up on a monthly basis and a certain interest rate applies. You may also consider borrowing funds from your 401K plan, although there will be a penalty for early withdrawal.

    • 3). File a claim with your insurance. Most insurance companies will not pay for this procedure as it is considered an elective surgery, but there are ways around this. For example, if the reversal is recommended by your physician to alleviate the symptoms of post tubal ligation syndrome, then the surgery may be considered necessary and your health insurance may cover it.

    • 4). Use a credit card. Check with different surgeons and hospitals to find out which ones accept credit cards.

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