Home & Garden Home Appliances

Nesco 700-Watt Food Dehydrator to the Rescue!

The Nesco 700-Watt Food Dehydrator is my lifesaver this time of year.
I always have these big plans for my garden in the spring when I plant.
I think about how I'm going to freeze or can all the extra produce and have wholesome home-grown garden veggies throughout the winter and I plant just one more squash for extra and another four tomato plants and maybe just one more row of beans.
This is the year that I'm going to be ready for the harvest, then August rolls around.
It's hot out, everything seems to peak at the same time, you want to go on vacation not be in a sticky stifling kitchen with a canning kettle and there's only so much room in the freezer.
What to do? I started drying my extra produce a few years ago and haven't looked back.
Now I plant even another four or five tomato plants or patch of beets because they dry so well and it means I'll have a stock of home-grown garden veggies in the pantry for the winter.
No more stifling hot kitchen in August over a canning kettle or giving up a day at the beach to pickle all those beets or beans until you don't ever want to see them again.
No more wondering what that badly labeled block of ice something is in the back of the freezer, green peppers maybe? Now I just pick what's ready in the morning, do the preparation of slicing or blanching, whatever the vegetable or fruit needs for drying, set the temperature on the dehydrator and check back in several hours for the finished product.
The dried fruit and vegetables take up a lot less room than frozen or canned goods in my pantry or freezer.
They store easily in zip bags or plastic containers, just make sure they are absolutely dry before storing.
Any moisture left in will start to mold and spoil the whole batch.
They're especially good in winter soups and stews where they simmer in the crock pot all day.
With the Nesco 700-Watt Food Dehydrator you have a great way of storing those vegetables you planted in the spring and be able to enjoy your own home-grown organic produce all year long.

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