Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Guides in Proper Cocker Spaniel Grooming

Cockers are stunning canine pets with luxurious coats that call for proper Cocker Spaniel grooming in order to maintain their glossy, long hair.
Owners of this breed must be willing to allocate time and effort in taking care of their pets because if they don't, the pet's hair can easily get out of hand.
It requires thorough attention, most especially in bathing and brushing a Spaniels hair.
In addition, an entire grooming session can be difficult if you don't have guides to follow and supplies to use.
A Cocker Spaniel's hair is indeed lovely but is also prone to getting knotted or tangled, plus can accumulate dirt easily.
Also, their cute low-dangling ears are subject to picking-up some dust or dirt each time they touch the ground.
You can avoid these untidy situations by brushing your pet's fur often.
The length of a Spaniel's hair will be a determining factor on the regularity of their need for brushing.
For example, if they have shorter trims, they will only call for brushing a few times weekly.
On the other hand, those with long hair should ideally be brushed every day.
These brushing sessions should be done by pet owners or your beloved Spaniel's coat will turn into a matted mess that will make them look unpleasant and will also cause them a feeling of discomfort.
Also, the Cocker's skin produces oils that can get smelly over time.
It's important that in Cocker Spaniel grooming, correct bathing schedule is followed because excessive showering will strip away the essential oils naturally found on the skin and hair of Spaniels that helps on making their coats healthy.
Just always check your pet's condition and once you notice them looking and smelling dirty, immediately wash them.
Bathing these kinds of dogs will take quite some time since they have long and thick hair.
Don't use just any ordinary shampoo or conditioner; instead look for a product that is ideal for your pet's skin and coat condition.
If you'd like to enter your Cocker Spaniel in dog shows, a professional and stable grooming routine will be mandatory.
This is because any tiny flaw from grooming mistakes can cause a disqualification even on those stunning Spaniel worthy of showing off in the ring.
If you want to do the grooming by yourself, then you must seek the advice of a professional show-groomer regarding the AKC guidelines as well as on what grooming supplies to use.
As I mentioned it above, this breed calls for thorough grooming due to their lavish coats.
The moment you neglect to give them regular grooming, it will lead to physical uneasiness and even health problems on your pet.
Cockers should belong to people who are dedicated to groom them routinely.
If you really want to have them as your furry companion, then spare time and effort in giving them proper Cocker Spaniel grooming.

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