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Why You Should Use a Wood Chipper

Wood chippings are a natural material with excellent qualities including mulching and fuel.
Wood chippings for ground cover are a standard product that can be bought in most garden centres. By using wood chippings for cover the use of weed sprays is avoided since a layer of around 10 - 15cm makes it almost impossible for weeds to get through. This ability has made wood chips a very popular product both for large and small planted areas.

In forestry, wood chipping is the most common and environmentally sound method for disposing wood and branch refuse and the large scale use of this method has focused inventors and scientists to come up with other uses such as using the resulting chips for heating. Many domestic house owners have installed chip furnaces or stokers. With fossil fuel prices on the increase people are giving this serious thought.

Wood chipping is a fast, simple and environmentally friendly way of disposing tree and branch waste. It avoids large bonfires which serve no useful purpose other than disposal of the wood waste. Over the years wood chippers have become more sophisticated in terms of their speed and efficiency. Wood chippers fall into 3 main categories; High torque roller, drum and disc. High torque roller chippers have been developed for the domestic market as they avoid high speed rotating parts, reducing injury, they are also very quiet. Drum chippers employ a large rotating drum, branches are fed into this through a hopper. These machines tend to be used professionally as they are large, most being tow-able. The noise level and sheer power make them more appropriate for commercial use in large parks and grounds. Disc chippers come in a wide range of sizes and rely on sharp rotating blades to shred the branches. They are extremely efficient and chip size is more uniform. The range of sizes make this another good choice for commercial use.

The cost of the larger chippers make it expensive for smaller parks and ground care companies to buy so hiring them is much more cost effective and fits better with their seasonal use mainly October to February. Many ground care equipment hire companies have a wide range of chippers to suit all sizes of grounds. If you are in any doubt, they are the best people to spend a few minutes on the phone with to ensure you get exactly what you need. More information can be found here Acacia Groundcare Equipment Rental

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