Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

Smoking is Injurious For Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Day by day cosmetic surgery is becoming more affordable for everyone due to which most of the people who are in need of some cosmetic surgery are seriously considering it.
Some of the common cosmetic surgeries are breast enhancement, face lifts, Rhinoplasty and Liposuction.
Doctors thoroughly check the patient's physical health before taking up any surgery.
People who are suffering with some kind of ailment or health problem like hypertension, diabetes or kidney problem are strongly advised to stay away from cosmetic surgery as the recovery time for the patients could be very long and moreover there are also chances that cosmetic surgery procedures may give rise to other complications.
Another very common health risk is for smokers.
It is a well known fact that nicotine gives rise to several severe health complications after any surgery.
It is very important that people who are undergoing cosmetic surgery or for that matter any surgery should quit smoking, or at least temporarily stop smoking if they want to avoid several problems after surgery.
Smoking invites several health problems.
The nicotine of cigarettes squeezes the blood vessels and can cause heart problems.
Chain smokers also feel difficulty in breathing in later stages of life.
Due to poor blood circulation in the body skin does not get fresh oxygen in required amount which can be a serious negative factor for cosmetic surgery.
Most of the doctors instruct their patients to stop smoking before cosmetic surgery especially before face up lift surgery.
Because of poor blood circulation due to smoking, the skin becomes dry and healing becomes very difficult after surgery.
It is for this reason that smokers should quit smoking as soon as possible.
Quitting may not be possible overnight; you need to work on it gradually.
If you are a chain smoker first try to reduce the frequency then slowly work towards quitting it completely.

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