Who Told You to Stop Dreaming?
When did you stop dreaming that anything was possible? People tell you everyday to never stop dreaming.
Celebrities tell you everyday never stop dreaming.
So what made you decide to stop dreaming? Did you fail once in your life, and decided to give up? Let me guess, things just didn't seem to go your way? Something unexpected happened in your life, and you were forced to go in a different direction? Those sound like excuses, excuses that ended up crushing your dreams.
Nothing in the world should ever be able to stop you from achieving your dream, or getting to where you ultimately want to get to.
If you failed, try again but go a different route.
If you dream something, it can be achieved.
Many people dream of doing things with the ultimate ending being a better life.
The "Good Life.
" So what's stopping you from living the "good life?" Nothing.
People wanted to become famous, wanted to become professional singers, professional athletes, invent something that would change the world, build their own business empire, all in the end to have lots of money and live a good life.
When it comes down to it, money is what people set out for.
The more money people have, the better they believe their lives to be.
Many people give up on their dreams.
They don't follow through with it, and then regret giving up later in life.
Even those people can still be successful and live the life they set out to live.
It might have to be another dream they follow, but anything is possible.
People really don't understand how important it is to dream.
If people truly dream it, they start to believe it.
Once a person starts to really believe that what they are chasing is possible then everything changes.
If a dream is believable, then it is possible.
All great achievers see what they dream.
If you are able to picture yourself actually in the position of your dream, you've done the hard work.
People dream, but don't really picture themselves being in the position they dream about.
When people see their dreams, the mind will eventually control the body to carry out the dream.
Share your dream with others.
If you hold your dream to yourself the dream will just live in your mind.
The more you talk about your dream, the more you will start to believe in it, and it will happen.
Talking about it pushes people so that they won't look foolish once they've accomplished it.
All this will lead to you taking action, which is what is going to put you in position to accomplish your dream no matter what happens.
It will keep you accountable for yourself so that you will try, try, and try again until you have succeeded.
Celebrities tell you everyday never stop dreaming.
So what made you decide to stop dreaming? Did you fail once in your life, and decided to give up? Let me guess, things just didn't seem to go your way? Something unexpected happened in your life, and you were forced to go in a different direction? Those sound like excuses, excuses that ended up crushing your dreams.
Nothing in the world should ever be able to stop you from achieving your dream, or getting to where you ultimately want to get to.
If you failed, try again but go a different route.
If you dream something, it can be achieved.
Many people dream of doing things with the ultimate ending being a better life.
The "Good Life.
" So what's stopping you from living the "good life?" Nothing.
People wanted to become famous, wanted to become professional singers, professional athletes, invent something that would change the world, build their own business empire, all in the end to have lots of money and live a good life.
When it comes down to it, money is what people set out for.
The more money people have, the better they believe their lives to be.
Many people give up on their dreams.
They don't follow through with it, and then regret giving up later in life.
Even those people can still be successful and live the life they set out to live.
It might have to be another dream they follow, but anything is possible.
People really don't understand how important it is to dream.
If people truly dream it, they start to believe it.
Once a person starts to really believe that what they are chasing is possible then everything changes.
If a dream is believable, then it is possible.
All great achievers see what they dream.
If you are able to picture yourself actually in the position of your dream, you've done the hard work.
People dream, but don't really picture themselves being in the position they dream about.
When people see their dreams, the mind will eventually control the body to carry out the dream.
Share your dream with others.
If you hold your dream to yourself the dream will just live in your mind.
The more you talk about your dream, the more you will start to believe in it, and it will happen.
Talking about it pushes people so that they won't look foolish once they've accomplished it.
All this will lead to you taking action, which is what is going to put you in position to accomplish your dream no matter what happens.
It will keep you accountable for yourself so that you will try, try, and try again until you have succeeded.